Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Someone From Your Childhood @ 6/30/2010 12:28:00 PM
Day 17 - Someone From Your ChildhoodDear Someone from my childhood
You are such an amazing person, I have loved having you in my life these past 19 years. Thank you for always being there for me and never letting me do this life thing alone. Thank you for the completely and utterly selfless human being that you are, you are one of the most generous people that I know. Thank you for never treating me as inferior to you and always respecting me, even though you are older than me. Thank you for the endless laughs and fantastic times that we've had together. Thank you for all of those times that you've been there for me and supported me through all the shit. Thank you especially for that one Saturday 3 years ago when you dropped everything to come and see me, I will never forget that. Thank you for always encouraging me and celebrating my achievements. Thank you for providing a comfortable and safe place for me to go if I need it and for never judging me. Thank you for understanding me and knowing me so well. Thank you for acting exactly how a big sister should act. Thank you for giving me an amazing role model to look up to. I love you.
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....

You really are the epitome of class
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Someone's That Not In Your Country @ 6/29/2010 04:46:00 PM
Day 16 - Someone's That Not In Your CountryDear Someone that isn't in my country
I am so happy and excited for you because of this crazy and fun-filled adventure that you're having. I am so proud of you that you had the courage to do what you've been doing. Not many 18 year olds have the courage and strength to travel the world by themselves for 2 years straight after high school. This is such an amazing opportunity for you, you can't comprehend how much I love that you are experiencing this. I also love that I was able to talk to you on Skype, it was so surreal that my background was a hot and sunny day, whereas yours was a snow filled evening. After all that we've been through together and after 13 years of friendship, I find it rather bizarre where we've ended up. I'm doing the stereotypical university path, whereas you're exploring the globe, and you're not returning until just in time for the world to end. There isn't really that much more to say except how much I love you. Please keep safe and have a freaking amazing time!
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Person You Miss The Most @ 6/27/2010 05:28:00 PM
Day 15 - The Person You Miss The MostDear The person I miss the most
I miss who you used to be and what our relationship used to mean. I miss your old personality and priorities. I miss how well you used to treat others and how kind you used to be. I miss the old you, especially before you turned into a self-absorbed dick head. I miss the good times we had together and how carefree we used to be. I miss being innocent and not having a care in the world. I miss being totally oblivious to the problems of the world and never fully realising that people could hurt you. I hate that I can't trust anything you say, I hate that you lie constantly. I hate that you're constantly looking for attention, I hate that it always has to be about you. I hate that you always act better than me, even though you're definitely not. I hate how you never think about the consequences of your actions, you only live in the moment. I hate how I can't trust you any more, I hate that I can't talk to you about everything like I used to be able to.
I wish that things didn't have to be the way they are between us, but I really don't see another option. I wish that you could be the person I want you to be, I wish that you could be you again. I wish that you weren't all of the bad things listed above, I wish you could be that amazing person again. I just hope you're happy, and for good reasons. I hope that you realise what you are doing to yourself and to those that love you. I really hope you look back and see your mistakes, I hope you learn from them. I really truly do.
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....

You're the third guy :(
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Someone You've Drifted Away From @ 6/26/2010 05:20:00 PM
Day 14 - Someone You've Drifted Away FromDear Someone I've drifted away from
I don't even know you any more, it's really rather bizarre. It's odd how you can go from knowing someone like the back of your own hand, to not even knowing whether they're passing or failing their subjects at university. And to be frank, it's entirely your fault that our friendship is failing. I tried, I really did, but if you don't want to give a shit about our relationship, then neither do I. But to be fair, I don't particularly care any more whether I remain in contact with you or not. You've changed this year, so much that I have no idea who you are any more and I don't like you at all. I know that people change when they graduate high school, I know that I've changed, but I like to think that I've changed for the better, you haven't. You've turned into someone I really don't like. You are some not very nice words that I'm not going to use here, but one of them rhymes with 'poor'. I knew that this was going to happen this year, we could all see it coming months earlier. But honestly, we all expected better from you. I hoped that you had learnt enough over the years not to end up doing what you are.
But I can't change you, you seem happy enough as you are. I feel sad that we've ended up this way, especially after all we've been through. I hope you are happy, I hope that you feel fulfilled. I hope that you're safe, that is my biggest hope for you. Please stay safe, and thank you for the good times that we had.
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....
Friday, June 25, 2010
Someone You Wish Could Forgive You @ 6/25/2010 12:40:00 PM
Day 13 - Someone You Wish Could Forgive YouDear Someone I wish could forgive me
So here's the thing, I don't think I've done anything to anyone that needs forgiving. Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect and I know I've screwed up and hurt people, but to my knowledge I can't think of any unresolved issues. If there is anything I've done to others that needs fixing, I'm honestly not aware of it at all. See, I think that's one of the worst things in relationships, when someone is pissed or hurt and keeps it to them self. There is nothing worse than having a loved one really mad at you or hurt by something that you didn't even realise you'd done. Something can build up and people can construct things in their mind and take things out of context, and before you know it, someone never wants to speak to you again and is mad that you don't know what you've done. So mainly because I really have nothing else to say in a letter that is addressed to no one, I'm going to add one more thing before I end it. If there is someone who feels hurt by me or is pissed off at me;
1) I'm sorry, but I honestly have no idea what I've done
2) Why the hell would you secretly stew over it and never confront me about said issue?
3) Get over it and have a nice day
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Person That Caused You A Lot Of Pain @ 6/24/2010 06:12:00 PM
Day 12 - The Person That Caused You A Lot Of PainDear Person that caused me a lot of pain
You hurt me. You abandoned me after you promised you wouldn't. You only cared about yourself, even though that should not have been the case. You made me keep secrets, that wasn't cool. I hate that you left and that you really did hurt me. I hate that you never bothered to stay in contact or make amends. I hate that you act as though you never knew me. I hate that it hurt me so much, and still does. I hate that our friendship had to fade away and I was left feeling abandoned. I don't hate you, but I hate how you treated me.
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....

Not really...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk To @ 6/23/2010 03:07:00 PM
Day 11 - A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk ToDear Deceased person I wish I could talk to
You are such an inspiration to me, I wish that I could have had the chance to see you or even meet you. You changed my world, you really did. You made me see things in a totally different way and you completely altered my point of view. I know that mine is not the only life you touched, there are plenty of other people scattered across the world who feel the same way. You made the impossible possible and you reached out and touched people's hearts. I am a different person now because of the effect that you had on my life, and it hasn't stopped there. It is something that I will never forget and it has impacted every area of my life. It was drawn into my creations, my education, my writing, my conversations and my everyday life.
Thank you for your passion, drive and creative talents. Thank you for seeing an issue in society that desperately needed attention, thank you for giving it the attention is deserved. Thank you for striving against all the odds and never giving up. Thank you for being willing to sacrifice it all to achieve your dream. Thank you for your influence and the lives that you have touched and changed. Thank you for for making me smile and cry, thank you for making me passionate about this too. Thank you for making us grateful for the lives we lead and our situations. Thank you for helping us to appreciate love and life in all its forms.
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Someone You Don't Talk To As Much As You'd Like To @ 6/22/2010 12:28:00 PM
Day 10 - Someone You Don't Talk To As Much As You'd Like ToDear Someone I don't talk to as much as I'd like to
Jeez I miss you! I hate that I don't see you everyday, I hate that our relationship has had to change this year. I hate that now we have to wait every couple of months to see each other. I hate that our lives are walking separate paths and I'm changing as a person. Don't misunderstand me, I'm happy and grateful to be maturing and doing life, but I hate that it means leaving parts of my life behind. I hate that you no longer know everything going on in my life. I hate that every time I now see you I have to update you on 6 months of my life, as opposed to 24 hours like before. I hate that there are others who are in a way living my old life, I hate that that part of your life had to go on without me.
I love you, you mean so much to me. I feel so blessed to have had you in my life all these years. Thank you for the countless laughs and good times. Thank you for your wicked sense of humour and for understanding mine. Thank you for always looking out for me and for having my best interests at heart. Thank you for your wisdom and listening ear and for always supporting me. Thank you for not being afraid to use 'tough love', even when I hated you for it. Thank you for the times that you held me while I cried and for never giving up on me. Thank you loving me even when I said horrible and hurtful things to you. Thank you for everything that you are to me. I've always had better relationships with those older than me, so that fact that we had the relationship that we had is of no surprise to me. I think it's safe to say that I miss you the most out of everybody.
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....
Monday, June 21, 2010
Someone You Wish You Could Meet @ 6/21/2010 04:32:00 PM
Day 9 - Someone You Wish You Could MeetDear Someone I wish I could meet
To write a letter to one person that I wish I could meet is an incredibly difficult task. I can think of so many people that I would love to meet, from various decades, centuries, millenniums, and even walks of life. But you are definitely on the top of my list. I've heard so many great stories about you, it makes me sad that I never had any of my own to create. I wish that I could've had you in my life, photographs are fantastic and stories are too, but they will never come close to the real person. It makes me sad when they talk about your final weeks and months, about how you wanted to make sure the Christmas tree was put up for the kids and how you wanted to take photos in your uniform one last time. I wish I could have become more absorbed in your culture, it runs in my veins, but it doesn't feel like it's a part of me. I wish your ethnicity was more engrained in me, I don't look like you or talk like you, and I wish I did.
I miss you, even though we've never met, I really do. I think it's kind of funny how you can miss something you never had. I know you had a good life, I know it was full of trials, but good. I know that you made a huge difference in those lives that you touched, I just wish that mine was one of those. But regardless, your legacy lives on, and everyone still remembers you. I love you, you never knew me, but I like to think you would've loved me too. I hope that you would be proud of me and that we would be close. I hope that we would have had a special bond. He carries a part of you in him everyday, so whenever I'm with him, I feel closer to you. I miss you, I really do.
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....

Like this, but not in a romantic sense
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Your Favourite Internet Friend @ 6/20/2010 01:56:00 PM
Day 8 - Your Favourite Internet FriendDear Favourite Internet Friend
I find the terms 'internet' and 'friend' to be a bit of an oxymoron. I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to compose a letter to a internet friend, because I don't have any. I'm assuming that this means somebody who I only know on the internet, not a friend from the physical world, and I'm afraid I'm lacking in that capacity. Don't get me wrong, I have people that I only 'know' over the internet, but I wouldn't go as far as to call them my friends. Hell, I don't even like some of the people in my regular life, so I really have no urge to make any new ones in cyberspace. Don't misunderstand me here, I'm not against friendships or relationships formed over the internet, I think they can be great things for some people. I know of some incredibly successful and healthy relationships that were formed online. I think the positive of forming a relationship in this realm is that it eliminates the physical aspects as affection blossoms. This is a good thing in my opinion because in this way, the relationship is able to be formed around personalities and friendship as opposed to sex.
But this sort of friendship could never work for me. I need someone who is there and would continue to be there, a real life friend. If you live in Australia and your best friend whom you met online lives in Denmark, I think there's gonna be a few issues there. What if your boy friend breaks up with you, who are you gonna go crying to? I just see many flaws in this type of friendship, which is why I don't really have any. So this letter perhaps failed in several capacities, because technically it's not addressed to anyone. But on the other hand, my internet 'friends' provide good advice to occasion and many have similar interests to me. So for that, I say thank you.
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Your Ex Love/Crush @ 6/19/2010 10:39:00 PM
Day 7 - Your ex love/crushDear Ex love/crush
I'm not entirely sure what I'm meant to say to you, or what I want to say to you. We were never really friends, so I know that we never had a friendship to fall back on after it all failed. And in all honesty, I'm actually really glad that it didn't work out between us. The more I reminisce, the more I see that it never would have worked. You're a good guy, and I'm sure that you'll be the right guy for some other girl, and I know that I'm not that girl. What you had to offer is not what I was/am looking for and is not what I need(ed). I don't blame you for that, perhaps I did at the time, but now I'm ok.
I was hurt and angry and sad about everything that happened between us, but not any more. Sometimes I still wish that everything had ended on a cleaner page and with not as many loose ends, but I no longer hate you. I'm happy in my life right now, I don't want to date you, I don't even particularly want to be friends with you. But I do want you to know that I was indeed hurt, and you made me feel things that I never wanted to feel. You made me feel worthless and pathetic and disposable, especially when you told me that I was worth fighting for; obviously I wasn't. You made me cry, about 5 times, and not just slightly. You made me a mess, a hurting mess. Part of me regrets that, I wish that people hadn't seen that side of me, it was mortifying. But I also think that it's something that every person needs to experience.
I wish you well in life, I really hope that life treats you well. Know that I don't hate you and I don't hold any grudges against you. I no longer dread accidentally crossing your path, because I have no reason to. I've moved on from what happened between us, I know that we will both have happy lives, but not together. I don't hate you, I'm bigger than that. I am happy, please know that, and I hope you are too.
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....
Friday, June 18, 2010
A Stranger @ 6/18/2010 05:27:00 PM
Day 6 - A StrangerDear Stranger
It made me really sad that one time I saw you on the bus. I was catching the shuttle bus one afternoon from university back to the train station, and you were sitting next to me. I'm not really sure whether you were already on, got on with me, or got on at the next stop; but we definitely spent most of the trip together. I was listening to my ipod, lost in my own little world and casually looking around as one tends to do, when I noticed something, this is what made me sad. You were wearing a t-shirt, no jumpers or cardigans or coats, so there is no doubt in my mind as to what I saw. Your left arm was covered in cuts. From your wrist, right up until your elbow. They were of varying lengths and various angles, but there were so many of them. I didn't want to keep staring, but I couldn't look away, I just couldn't believe how many of them there were. When we arrived at the train station you walked away and got in a different carriage, so I have no idea how you are now. I told my mum about you and she said that maybe if I saw you again that it was a sign that I should talk to you. But I haven't seen you again, well at least I don't think I have, in all honesty, I'm not too sure what you look like now.
I just want to say to you that I hope you're doing ok. I hope that it's a cry for help, I hope you don't want to die. I hope that the cuts were healing over and that you have someone to talk to. I hope that the reason that you were wearing short sleeves is because you're ok now and you're not embarrassed about what you went through. I really hope that if you're not ok, that you will be soon. I hope that you have the same amazing role models in your life that I do in mine. I hope that you have loving parents too, I hope they pay you enough attention. I hope that you have friends, and not just casual friends, but soul mates. I hope you're healing on the inside too, because I know that that takes the longest. I hope that you realise that the momentary release that each cut gives is not worth it. I hope that you're not trying to hide from the world, I hope you can find the strength to be the courageous woman that you can be. It took me 9 months to talk to someone, I hope it takes you even less time. I know that you'll be ok, because I'm ok. Some days you may regress and feel like shit, but know that it's only temporary. And I want you to know that it's ok if you're not fine right now, you don't have to be perfect, but I hope you love yourself, and know that others love you. I honestly hope I get to meet you one day and find out how you are, I hope that your answer will be positive. Know that me, a stranger, cares about you and you're in my prayers.
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Your Dreams @ 6/17/2010 05:33:00 PM
Day 5 - Your DreamsDear Dreams
Wow, that sounds really lame. I'm not used to addressing a letter to something that is not actually a someone. I'm not sure what I'm meant to say to you, how does one address their dreams in this form? My dreams have changed and evolved over the years, and they will probably continue to do so. But one thing that I'm definitely focussing on with these letters is not editing them or changing them after the day that they're posted. I made this rule for myself because on that day, in that moment, those were my completely honest and real thoughts, opinions and beliefs. So right here, right now, this is a letter to my dreams.
I'm sorry when I set too high expectations for myself and never reach you, and consequently feel as if I've failed. Part of me is still unsure as to what my dreams actually consist of, my head doesn't feel very clear on this topic. But basically, I know what I want, I just have trouble articulating these desires. Some of my dreams are more general in their nature, whilst others are rather specific. So I'm not really too sure how to write a letter to them.
You see, the thing is with dreams, I desperately want mine to come true. I want the life that I've envisioned for myself to come true, I want to live my dreams. My dreams are also of course different to what others would like. Do I want to go to university, get a job, get married, have kids and die? No, not particularly. Do I want to graduate university and have a career, maybe more than one? Yes, I do. Would I like to get married and have children? Yes, I really would. But I think in essence, I can't live my life like a novel. I need to be able to press the shuffle button every once in a while.
So, my dreams. I need you to know that I have dreams for my life, I really do. I have dreams right now that I want to come true so desperately that it hurts. I have dreams that I think are completely ridiculous and unachievable, but I have others that I'm discovering hold a small glimmer of hope. But the thing is, the most essential aspect of my dreams is that I refuse to be boxed in and held ransom by them. I will not live my life in anticipation for my marriage that I've decided will happen when I turn 24. I will not wait for my 2 daughters and 2 sons to be born before I'm 35 but after I've managed to attain my PHD. Of course I would love for my dreams to come true, and I'm going to do all that is in my power to make them happen, whether it is worth it or not. My dreams are mine, and they are real and they make me smile, laugh, cry and bleed, but they do and they will not define how I live my life.
Sincerely, Eleanor.
Until next time fellow humans....
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Your Sibling @ 6/16/2010 03:08:00 PM
N.B. Don't immediately assume you know who or what I'm talking about (except in the obvious ones like parents or siblings. I like the mystery that is my own personal brain)Day 4 - Your SiblingDear Sibling
Well as I'm sure you're both aware, I happen to have two siblings, and I don't think it's fair that I only focus on one of you, so I hope that you don't mind sharing this letter.
You've grown up to be a person I actually like. Obviously, as younger siblings tend to do, you drove me crazy for a few years there, but you're maturing quite well. Thank you for the fun times and for growing up well. Thank you for your hilarious sense of humour and for understanding mine. Thank you for doing what I ask you to do, most of the time. Thank you for the thought you always put into my presents, you really are a unique sibling. Thank you for the fun and crazy times that we have together and for everything that you have done for me.
You're still my baby, and probably always will be whether you like it or not. I was so incredibly happy when you were born, even if you were the wrong gender. Thank you for being so unbelievably adorable and lovely. Thank you for being so much fun to play with and always making me smile. Thank you for the amazing little boy that you're growing into. Thank you for your cuddles and kisses and little phrases. Thank you for being my little brother and trusting that as your big sister, I will look after you.
Sincerely, Eleanor
Until next time fellow humans....

I'm the bestest big sister =P
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Your Parents @ 6/15/2010 03:33:00 PM
Day 3 - Your ParentsDear Parents
I think this is going to be one of those letters where I can't adequately express my emotions and feelings for you, but here's my try. Thank you for bringing me into this world and giving me my life. Thank you for giving me the most wonderful upbringing and home that a person could ask for. Thank you for hardly ever fighting in front of us, but for also making sure that we knew you were imperfect people too. Thank you for giving me two amazing siblings, even if they do make me crazy sometimes. Thank you for not giving me everything I wanted, but everything I needed. Thank you for never holding me back in life and for letting me do my thing. Thank you for sending me to a good school and encouraging my education. Thank you for never pressuring me to do what I didn't want to. Thank you for taking us on holidays and let us experience things you never did at our age. Thank you for your senses of humour and never being dull. Thank you for being open and honest with us and always treating us our age. Thank you for never seeing the world as black and white. Thank you for never enforcing your beliefs on us. Thank you for taking us to church and sending us to a Christian school. Thank you for your relationships with Jesus. Thank you for encouraging healthy relationships in our lives. Thank you for giving me solid role models and surrounding me with amazing women and men. Thank you for letting me be me. Thank you for sending Tom & I to Kids Quest all those years ago. Thank you for letting me show my creative side, even if you didn't always understand. Thank your buying me condoms and pregnancy tests for my year 11 artworks. Thank you for not forcing me to clean my own room. Thank you for packing me a full medical kit when I went to Samoa. Thank you for those times when you pay my phone bill. Thank you for letting me get my piercings. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for encouraging me to attend the university I ended up choosing. Thank you for understanding when I need to talk to someone else. Thank you for everything you've ever done for me, especially those things I didn't understand at the time. Thank you, I love you.
Sincerely, Eleanor.
Until next time fellow humans....
Monday, June 14, 2010
Your Crush @ 6/14/2010 05:56:00 PM
Day 2 - Your CrushDear Crush;
Well considering that your identity is a secret, and probably always will be, I think it's best to keep this letter completely anonymous. I fully realise that if anyone ever knew your identity, I would be laughed at and mocked, but I just want you to know that I don't care. I find you completely charming and irresistible regardless of what the others think. I want you to know that I don't care if anyone ever understands, because I understand myself. Perhaps keeping you to myself for so long has been a mistake, but it's probably easier that way, because I hope you never find out how I feel. I know that these feelings would never be mutual, and the awkward conversations and disaster that would surely follow would not be worth it (because I know that it would not be reciprocated). I don't care about the age gap either, I know I probably should, but I think you're worth it. To me, age is simply a number. Plus, I'd rather date someone older, I refuse to date anyone younger than me. Of all the secrets I've kept hidden from the world, you are probably the greatest, this is one thing that no one would understand. But I want you to know that I think you are worth so much more than people would ever think you are. You make me laugh more than anyone else I've ever met, and I can't help but smile whenever I'm with you. Thank you for having laughs and jokes with me but never taking it too far. Thank you knowing the difference between joking and being cruel. Thank you for your infectious smile and giving me small moments of bliss. Thank you for buying my favourite biscuits that one time and keeping them between us. Thank you for not treating me like a child and talking to me as an equal. Thank you for your peculiar idiosyncrasies and quirks, they are some of my favourite things about you. I don't think they can be your flaws if I like them so much. Thank you for making me happy, even if I know that we'll never be together, being with you or near you makes me indescribably content. Thank you for being the crazy, amazing and wonderful individual that you are. Thank you for being you.
Sincerely, Eleanor.
Until next time fellow humans....
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Your Best Friend @ 6/13/2010 09:18:00 PM
So I'm going to do this creative challenge, each day I will write a letter to a different person or thing in my life. I hope you enjoy.
Day 1 - Your Best FriendDear Best Friend;
The identity of my best friend has changed quite a lot over the years. They have changed genders several times, ages and significance. There are several people that I consider my best friends, or even close friends, and I hate having to signal one out as the "best". So instead of addressing this letter to one individual, I'm writing to a few of you.
You've been there for the longest out of the others, and you always seem to stick around. Thank you for knowing me so incredibly well and listening to me. Thank you for putting up with my complaints and my issues. Thank you for being so incredibly selfless and always having my back. Thank you for being you and everything that you mean to me.
Thank you for always supporting me, no matter my decision. Thank you for your love and grace and comfort. Thank you for never judging me and not seeing the world as black and white. Thank you for the good times and the laughter and for always making me smile. Thank you for the crazy adventures and for always being willing to have a good time. Thank you.
Thank you for being so much fun and always being crazy with me. Thank you for being you and for the laughter and giggles. Thank you for understanding my jokes and for your kind heart. Thank you for your hospitality and selfless nature. Thank you for all you've done for me.
Sincerely, Eleanor.
Until next time fellow humans....
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
10 @ 6/09/2010 11:23:00 PM
10 things you wish you could say to ten different people right now:1. I miss you, I really do. I don't want things to change between us, but part of me thinks it's inevitable. Growing up sure can suck.
2. I'm glad that you're still in my life. I have a feeling that when it all falls, I'll never be able to bloody get rid of you.
3. Thank you for always being there for me and supporting me. Your love and advice mean the world to me. You are a truly inspirational human being and I admire you so much.
4. I really really really really wish you lived next door, not several hours away.
5. You make me laugh like no other, you seriously have me in stitches constantly. You're also so incredibly selfless and I love how much your friends mean to you.
6. You've changed so much, I'm not sure whether I miss you.
7. I miss you more than all the rest. I hate not seeing you every day.
8. What is it about you? I can't explain it, and I can't fathom it. But I actually don't mind one little bit.
9. I love getting to know you. I don't think I've ever met someone who is more me than you are. We just seem to fit like a puzzle. Damn you're cool; ninja cool.
10. If I could spend the rest of my life with you and wake up next to you every morning, believe me when I say I would.
9 Things people probably don’t know about me:1. My fear of velociraptors is actually real.
2. I remember really meaningless and insignificant details, nothing of use.
3. I try not to, but I can't help judging you if you read/like the
Twilight series.
4. I like to read, but I have almost no time or motivation at the moment to do so.
5. I refuse to only date someone who is deemed to be "my type".
6. I enjoyed
The Last House on the Left more than I probably should have.
7. I've only ever cried over the opposite sex once, and boy was it embarrassing.
8. I wish I had the patience (and talent) to cook well.
9. Sometimes I wish I was born in another era.
8 ways to win your heart:1. A good sense of humour is a must.
2. Don’t try and stereotype me.
3. Tolerate my interests and loves.
4. Family oriented.
5. Actually be able to converse and let your feelings and emotions be known.
6. My friends came first, understand that.
7. DO NOT be possessive or controlling. That is a deal breaker.
8. A relationship with that Jesus guy is always good.
7 awesome movies:1.
The Addams Family3.
The Addams Family Values4.
St. Elmo's Fire5.
About a Boy6.
Sex and the City 27.
The Hangover6 things you do before you go to bed:1. Shower
2. Clean my piercings (haha)
3. Change into P.J.s
4. Set/unset alarm.
5. Turn off phone.
6. Turn off big light, lamp and fairy lights.
5 people who mean a lot right now:1. Family
2. Jessica Ninja
3. Rachel
4. Ari
5. Nathan
4 things you don’t like:1. Not seeing several people as often as I'd like.
2. Not having money.
3. Close-mindedness.
4. REALLY cold weather.
3 things you do like:1. My family and their tolerance.
2. Seeing Rachel yesterday and Jess today.
3. Kids Quest drama team
2 things you want to do before you die: 1. Go to New York and see Broadway shows.
2. Have children.
1 confession:1. Regardless of all the shit, I am happy.
Until next time fellow humans....
Monday, June 7, 2010
Confusion @ 6/07/2010 10:11:00 PM
So you know that confuses the crap out of me? When I'm with several of my friends and I get a text message. This confuses me mainly when I'm with either Lamp or Jess, because well frankly, no one else ever texts me. So whenever I'm with them and I receive a text, I have this crazy and stupefied moment when I can't honestly believe that I've gotten a text because I'm currently with the people/person that text me. But I love that I'm getting to know these two lovely ladies, I also love that I have this sense of comfort and ease around them. And that's all I have to say.
Until next time fellow humans....

This is very similar to an episode of
Friends, when they are all together and someone else knocks on the door. I love the looks on their faces.