Friday, February 19, 2010
Bondi @ 2/19/2010 06:51:00 PM
Today I went to Bondi Beach with Ari. It was a fantastic day, I love that location and also that girl so much. The weather was beautiful and the water was very pleasant to frolic in for a while. We had fish and chips for lunch, which just added to the beach feel. We also walked along the beach several times, filling our exercise quota for a month (haha). Being the artistic souls that we are, Ari started off planting a dead tree that had washed up on the shore while I perved on Maxi. Then I helped her as we turned our tree into a sculpture of sorts, which we then christened with Coke. I also got a photo with Maxi and Kerrbox, so that was fabulous. On the bus we started talking to a couple of French men (technically they were from New Caledonia) and then we kept running into them the entire trip to Town Hall. They were hilarious and were in Sydney just for the
AC DC concert. All in all, it was a lovely day. :)
Until next time fellow humans....

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Why? @ 2/16/2010 08:51:00 PM
Why do we despise the things that are good and healthy for us and want the things that aren't? Why do we hate the dentist and doctors, even though they help us? Why do we enjoy alcohol and cigarettes, when they cause more harm than good? Why is it that we judge people for one negative thing, yet we're actively participating in an equally negative activity? Why do we think that we're better than others because we have our life 'together'? And why do we think we're cool because we're bumming around? Why do we defy authority and vote for anarchy, but detest dictators and anarchists? Why do we want what we can't have, and ignore what's right in front of us? Why is what we have never enough? Why do we focus too much on the past and future, but never on the present? Why do we set impossible standards for those around us, but fail to meet them ourselves? Why is it never fast enough, why is everything a race or contest? Why are we determined to stand out so much that we fit in with all the other 'individuals'? Why are we determined to make ourselves fit into a mold of some sort so that we become a stereotype? Why are we afraid of change yet refuse to stay the same? Why do we always demand to have the upper hand, no matter the cost? Why are we obsessed with the notion of happy endings and fairy tales? Why do we demand independence yet cling to those around us, afraid of being alone? Why are we constantly pushing up against the boundaries? Why do we think that we are immune to hurt, failure and death? Why do we refuse to believe that we're lovable? Why do we fall for the 'bad boy', and yet remain surprised when we're hurt yet again? Why don't we care?
Just wondering...
Until next time fellow humans....
Monday, February 15, 2010
If by any chance @ 2/15/2010 11:44:00 PM
If by any chance you decide that you want to chase me, I promise I'll run slow and let you actually catch me this time.
Until next time fellow humans....
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentines Day @ 2/14/2010 10:05:00 PM
Happy Valentines Day to all of you lovely faces out there. Now I'm rather against today's commercialised and rather gross 'holiday', I don't think that it is necessary to celebrate love on one specific day. And VDay has a rather nasty habit of reminding us singles of why we're not staring across a rose covered table into the eyes of a special someone. At this time of the year it is especially easy to get caught up in what-ifs, why-nots and what-was-I-thinkings. I spent some much loved time with the best friend yesterday, and part of our date included memories of ghosts of the past who have resurfaced in the present. It's funny how sometimes time doesn't heal all wounds, or maybe it does, but enough time hasn't passed yet for it to make any difference. Sometimes people change and it leaves you either thinking 'if only I'd taken that opportunity' or 'I should've let that one pass me by'. But at the same time, missed opportunities mean that other ones were taken, and I feel certain in saying that I would not be the same person if I had walked down certain roads.
But today's VDay also reminds me of the fact that I don't need a significant other to make me happy. I'm reminded that in the past I might have felt pathetic or unloved by my lack of lover, but that is no longer the case. Now I feel good about my decision to take my time trying to figure who I am in my life and the type of person I want to spend it with. So there really is no point degrading today and all that it symbolises for people. If you're single, suck it up and don't ruin it for those who aren't. Focus on the other important people in your life and stop posting on Facebook 'screw VDay' or 'I hate being single'. Your FB is not your diary, grow up. And if you're in a relationship, I see no need to rub it into the faces of those singles.
So don't let today get you down. And if you have a special person, I hope today was all you hoped it would be. And if you are flying solo, at least you're flying free (haha cue the dorky
Wicked reference). But take some time to appreciate the amount of anti-valentine/love groups that people join on Facebook this time of the year. haha
Until next time fellow humans....

Friday, February 12, 2010
Trash @ 2/12/2010 02:56:00 PM
Isn't it funny how trashy television is these days. I've never been an avid watcher of the box, the majority of my favourite programs are no longer being aired, so I've acquired them on DVD. The only shows that I regularly watch are
Bondi Rescue, which only airs once a week for two or so months,
Dexter, which only airs once a week and
Good News Week, which again only airs weekly. I see no need to defend my love of these shows, as they are only sporadically interspersed with the odd viewing of
The Biggest Loser (usually only elimination and the weigh-in) and other shows that Foxtel decides to broadcast.
Bondi Rescue is my ultimate guilty pleasure. It satisfies my female attraction to hero-type males with sculpted bodies of differing ages. It's rather pathetic, but it is one of the only reality TV shows that I've been able to tolerate. Approximately one year ago, I ventured on a class excursion on the weekend to see a play in Bondi, where we took a photo with two of the senior Life Guards. But then as I was walking with Ari and Anvie we saw one of the younger guards who I've got a slight affection for. We approached him and struck up a conversation, and then asked if he would take a photo with us. Ari was rather embarrassed by the half naked male with his arms around us, but I was rather happy.
Dexter is a favourite show of my dad's, so it has become a sort of family bonding time, more specifically father/daughter bonding time. It's an amazing show, in which you love Dexter Morgan in all his homicidal maniac tendencies, and you never want him to be discovered. But you know that what he does is legally and morally wrong.
Good News Week is a comedy show which discusses current world issues with guest stars of varying comedic talent. This show is witty and never fails to put me in stitches. Though this may not be the case if Georgie Parker guest stars. I also have a slight crush on Paul McDermott, the host of this show.
These three programs are my television vices, but they are not by any means trash. If I wanted to watch trashy TV I would watch
Home and Away,
Australian Idol,
Australia's Next Top Model, and the list goes on. So while there is an abundance of rubbish on TV these days, there are still a few hidden gems. And if these ever fail me, I have my supply of DVDs to delve into.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
Will and Grace,
Gilmore Girls,
Sea Patrol and
30 Rock.
Until next time fellow humans....

With Maxi :D

With Hoppo & Terry
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Amanda Harrison @ 2/11/2010 11:29:00 PM
If you know me at all you know how much I love musical theatre. And you will also know how much I love and adore Amanda Harrison. I saw Amanda when she was in
We Will Rock You 5 years ago, and I fell in love with her amazing voice and her truly unique looks. I couldn't wait to see more of her and I always thought that she would be brilliant in
Wicked as Elphaba. So I was overjoyed when she was cast as the original Elphaba in the Australian production of
Wicked. I was really lucky to see her the first time I saw the show, and to meet her afterward. She blew me away in her performance, and she was a lovely person. Even though she was criticised for her lack of performances, I have always and will always remain loyal to her. So naturally, I am saddened by the recent news that she will not be returning to the role of Elphaba due to health issues. As much as I love Jemma Rix, Amanda is Queen. So hopefully Amanda will move on to do bigger and better things, and I'll get to witness the pleasure of her performance again in the future. And to those of you who did not get to see her as Elphaba, you truly missed out and I feel sorry for you.
Until next time fellow humans....
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Wuthering Heights @ 2/10/2010 09:59:00 PM
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is my favourite novel. I love the complicated characters. I love the beautiful and majestic landscape that is described so incredibly. I love the intricate storyline that surprised me at every turn. I love that half the characters are easy to hate and the others are easy to love. I love how it is so complicated and messed up that it makes me feel better about my life. I love how Stephanie Meyer tries desperately to link it with her series, but fails miserably. And I love how incredibly quotable it is.
I’ve dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they’ve gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the colour of my mind"
Until next time fellow humans....
Monday, February 8, 2010
Jane Austen @ 2/08/2010 09:07:00 PM
Life is better if you live in a Jane Austen novel. Today I watched the film
The Jane Austen Book Club for the very first time. As a rather dedicated Austen fan, I am rather ashamed to admit that I have actually only finished reading two of her six novels.
Pride and Prejudice I read by choice when I was merely twelve years old, and I instantly fell in love. Not only with the storyline and the idea of Lizzy and Mr. Darcy falling in love, but with Lizzy and Mr. Darcy as characters. As a 12 year old, I developed a completely understandable infatuation with Darcy that continues until this day. The idea of a man who would go to all measures to protect the woman he loved, even if he wasn't sure if the attraction was mutual, is a very appealing quality. Mr. Darcy secretly did whatever he could to protect the reputation of Lizzy's family, not expecting anything in return. Chivalry really is not dead.
The other Austen novel that I've finished reading is
Northanger Abbey, and that was compulsory for English Extension 1 in year 12. It is safe to say that this novel sufficiently infuriated me. Catherine was pathetic and immature and I did not like her at all. Mr. Tilney wasn't a terribly redeeming hero either. In the end I was left feeling as if he had returned to Catherine just because he felt it was his duty. I felt no love, connection or passion. But the novel did have redeeming qualities, there were several quotes that I fell in love with and some of the supporting characters were so unlikeable that it became fun to verbally bash them. Bashing of the plot was also rife, even as we understood that it is meant as a satire.
So after viewing the aforementioned film, I am striving to finish reading the four remaining Austen novels;
Sense and Sensibility,
Emma and
Mansfield Park. And I firmly believe that life would be better if I lived in a Jane Austen novel, because as mentioned in the film, Austen never shows life after the marriage. Lizzy and Mr. Darcy are never shown as 60 with grandchildren in a potentially unhappy relationship. But as a true Jane Austen fan, I refuse to believe that they are unhappy. I will happily live in a land where everything seems better, at least temporarily.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Surprise @ 2/07/2010 07:47:00 PM
One thing that I thoroughly enjoy is surprising people, not in the sense of jumping out from behind a box and scaring them, but doing something that changes their idea of me. I think that part of the reason that I got my eyebrow pierced was to help to eliminate the 'girl next door' stigma that I've carried around for quite some time. And it has been rather interesting to see the looks of shock on the faces of people as they grappled with the idea that I had inserted a metal bar through my right eyebrow. But for me, I don't see piercings as a controversial or rebellious topic. They're removable, and everyone and his dog has one. So the reactions of my family and friends were highly amusing and also rather unnecessary for me. In a similar way, when I bleached the top half of my hair, it was partly because I wanted a change, but also simply because I could. I guess I just don't like knowing that people have stuck me into a mold. This is one of the reasons that I like to challenge the notion of certain guys being 'my type', and other guys apparently simply aren't. I refuse to believe or give thought to the notion that the person I end up with will most likely hang out in libraries or antique stores, and enjoys reading Shakespeare and going to poetry readings. Believe me, I'm not against this idea at all, I think it would be lovely to marry a man with similar interests. But at the same time, if I marry a country boy who likes to drive a motorbike and go for long walks, I'm more than fine with that idea too. I just refuse to let anyone think that they can anticipate my next move or what they can expect of me.
On another note, I desperately want to see
Wicked again, anyone seriously interested in joining me?
Until next time fellow humans....

I am a magical surprise...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Princess stories @ 2/04/2010 05:18:00 PM
So today I had a Disney princess movie marathon with Ari. We managed to watch
Beauty and the Beast,
Sleeping Beauty,
The Little Mermaid and
Aladdin. Now these are all fabulous films, and they always leave you happy and feeling like anything is possible. But lately as I've been anticipating this marathon, I've been thinking on the idea and notion of the 'happily ever after' and the roles that humans play. I've been mulling over the reality that these films have in reality.
Prince Charming is very rarely the handsome stranger who comes galloping in on horse-back, brandishing a sword to sweep you off your feet and save you from the dangers of the world. Prince Charming is usually the unexpected guy, not the first one you would have originally chosen. He very rarely fits the mold that you've set for yourself, or he's not 'your type'. The Prince Charming that comes for you may not be the rich, handsome (by others standards), Bondi Vet-esque superhero type that you thought it would be. And in the same way, he may not be the nerdy, Shakespeare quoting, poetry reading, glasses wearing brainiac either. Sometimes people surprise you. Your Prince Charming could be the handsome foreigner with an accent you previously couldn't bare to listen to, but with a smile and sense of humour that instantly made your heart melt, who you felt comfortable enough to spend hours conversing with from the moment you met. Or it could be the guy who's the complete opposite from 'your type'. On the outside he's this athletic man who on first impression is humour-less, with a harsh exterior and slightly intimidating. But after time spent together, you discover he's soft and caring and will go to great lengths to protect you and keep you safe over himself.
Then there's the Loyal Sidekick. The Loyal Sidekick is not always the wisecracking smart ass who falls into your shadow and provides comic relief. But at the same time, they're not always the innocent maiden who is your polar opposite so that you balance out like a sea-saw. They are usually the one you never would have expected to have stood by you after all the years. If you visited your past self, you may not necessarily have pictured yourself with them for any length of time. They are usually the person who has proven themselves beyond all others. The one who had your back even when it was turned. The person who stood their ground and you can trust with your life. The person who loves you at your most unlovable, who forgave you when you screwed up, who held you as you cried on a bathroom floor, who held your hair when you spewed or who comforted you when your boy friend cheated on you and then threatened to kick his ass.
And in a similar way, the Villain is never who you expect either (and how often do people have villains in their lives...). The Villain is rarely the wart baring, spell casting, cackling witch or old hag. They very often come in the form of a previously-thought-to-be-prince-charming or previously-thought-to-be-loyal-sidekick form. They aren't usually the person who wants to kill you, and they very rarely have the appearance of the Villain. They could just be the person that your personality clashes with the most or the person that hurt you or who is against you. Don't judge a book by its cover. They may be behind you, but that doesn't mean they have your back.
Sometimes in finding out who your Villain is, you also inadvertently discover your Prince Charming or Loyal Sidekick. Sometimes you have to lose friends to discover your true friends. And if you look at Disney films, nothing is ever as it seems. Belle fell in love with a hideous beast and proved that appearance isn't everything and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Ariel sacrificed everything she had. Sleeping Beauty risked her life and had to almost wait a lifetime. Snow White had to leave her home and settle somewhere else. Jasmine fell in love with a poor man and Cinderella proved that circumstance isn't everything.
So overall, I'm not really sure what I'm saying or what my message is. So just think about the above thoughts. :)
Until next time fellow humans....
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Emotions @ 2/02/2010 04:30:00 PM
So one of the things in life that amuses and interests me the most is human emotions, especially emotions of love/lust that are directed at members of the opposite sex. Lately I've been contemplating and mulling over past love interests and crushes, reminiscing on failed attempts (haha) and embarrassing confessions and displays of affection. And I found it very intriguing that there was a certain person (who shall remain anonymous) who is eternally stuck in my mind. He was the one creature in my past that I can honestly say I found perfect, and even as I think about him now, I can't recall any of his flaws. That is probably partly due to the fact that I saw him through rose coloured glasses from almost the instant we met, but that's beyond the point. As time progressed, my feelings grew, I not only regarded him as an incredibly attractive individual, but also as a sweet and caring human who had the ability to make me laugh like no other and always treated me as an equal. We could always talk on the same level, and not only just about surface issues. It makes me happy just to think about him, and I wish we hadn't lost touch. If I had to label any of my past crushes as 'being in love', he would've been the one. I really wish we were still apart of each others lives. But alas, time moves on and so do people. People leave, change and develop, sometimes only leaving remnants of their old selves behind. And then you find people to more than fill the void left by any absences.
Emotions really are an interesting creation.
Until next time fellow humans....
Monday, February 1, 2010
Tumblr @ 2/01/2010 10:21:00 PM
So I made a tumblr page :)
Check it out
Until next time fellow humans....