Sunday, January 31, 2010
The Greek Hobbit @ 1/31/2010 06:23:00 PM
Ari is my best friend partly because I feel sorry for her and because I know that no one else wants her, but also for several other smaller reasons. She's incredibly real, you know where you stand with her and she doesn't act fake. She's never afraid to be herself and encourages those around her to be themselves. She's loyal, even when people screw her over, she's still so loving (even when I can't understand why). We share a lot of the same values and beliefs, but we are also different so that times together are never boring. She's constantly trying to set me up with different males in her life haha. And even when she doesn't agree with my choice in the opposite gender, she's always supportive. She laughs at me, but not in a malicious way. She'll willingly chase down attractive males along the Great Western Highway at 10pm haha. She still texted me when I was in New Zealand, even though it cost her extra money. She's a fabulous dance partner, especially when it comes to waltzing and to 'our song'. She is altogether amazing, someone that I can share my secrets and fears with, and someone who I know will never judge me. She is there for me 24/7 and I know she'll have my back no matter what. I love you Arietta.
Until next time fellow humans....

I love you in all moments of our absurdity
Friday, January 29, 2010
Adulthood @ 1/29/2010 01:42:00 PM
It really struck me recently that I have an impending birthday in the upcoming months, only about 6 weeks away. This new year of my life will see me reach the ripe age of 19, and my last year of childhood and teenage years. And in all honesty, I don't want to be an adult yet. As exciting as the future is, with all its possibilities, it marks another significant shift in responsibilities and just my life in general. So as I commence my last teenage year, I can't help but think about all of the different tasks that I must accomplish while still a teenager. Some of them of course I won't even bother attempting to master, partly because they are silly immature childish antics that I see no point in taking part of. One thing that I would like to happen though is being asked for my id for the first time. Not once have I been carded, which apparently is a compliment, but I see it is a right.
Now of course, many people will tell me that I must go to many parties, get trashed, hook up with males and even kill my lungs with cancer sticks. And to those people I say "no thank you". I see no need to pollute my liver and harm my lungs in that way. I am not against alcohol, I do consume it, but not regularly or excessively. And smoking is one of the worst things to do. If you want to smoke, stay away from me when you're doing it and when you smell of it. You're not cool. If you want to die, keep me out of it.
But of course this year will hold many positive things. I have a rather special play date with Abi in the impending months which will place another notch on my teenage belt. I'm also beginning university which will in turn entail all sorts of 'normal' teenage/young adult experiences and emotions. But as I relish in the idea of living up the remnants of teenage hood, I'm also slowly inching into a more mature role as an adult. One such mark is the new savings account that I've opened to save my money for a holiday next year.
So I say to the remaining months of my teenage years. Bring it on. :)
Until next time fellow humans....
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Frustration @ 1/28/2010 03:09:00 PM
So today I need to vent to no one in particular, but at the same time, to a certain person (though they'll probably never see this). Please get out of my head, I would very much like to think about something else other than you. Everything seems to remind me of you, and I'm sick of it. Because I refuse to get caught up pathetically in someone, it never gets you anywhere. So if you could just disappear and all the memories of us and our time together could be erased, that would simply be grand.
On a random side note, I wish that I could be a cast member on
Firefly. This show had the most talented cast ever. And also the most attractive males...
Until next time fellow humans....
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Thought @ 1/27/2010 10:16:00 PM
Here's a notion; how about having an original thought for the first time in your life? Or would you die from the shock and stress? And would your body collapse and go into cardiac arrest? I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
(insert here the tag I sign off with)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Uncomfortable @ 1/26/2010 05:40:00 PM
So today is Australia Day. Great. In all honesty, I don't particularly care. I find it to be a bit like new year's eve, people make elaborate plans and build it up to be this gigantic event, and it's always a let down. I think it has become a bit of a contrived holiday and just an excuse to get pissed. But today I have something else playing with me anyway, my eyebrow piercing is infected. If you watched my Queenstown vlogs you may remember me saying in one that it was playing up and was a bit gross. (Warning the following sentences discuss puss). I woke up in the middle of the night there and was in the bathroom and noticed it was full of puss, so I cleaned it all out, hoping for the best. And after a week or so it got a lot better, not completely healed, but it was getting there. And then these last few days the puss has come back and it's swollen. So I'm desperately cleaning it regularly with a saline solution, antibacterial cleaner and betadine, hoping that it will take effect soon so that it stops hurting to blink and so that my mum (being the nurse that she is), won't make me take it out.
I haven't told this story simply to gross you out, I think I can use it as a metaphor for my life. When my piercing first got infected I was clueless as to the cause, but after closer thought and examination I think it was probably because of how carelessly I may have handled it over a number of weeks, not thinking to wash my hands first, and frequently changing the bar. This can be likened to different relationship issues that I've been facing lately. I've been shocked that various friendships with people in my life have drifted south and become messy and uncomfortable. I hate admitting that I ever have a part in relationship breakdowns, unless it is obviously my fault, so I'd put it down to 'drifting apart' and the different priorities that people have. Not acknowledging the catalyst or underlying issues. But as I stop and assess why things are the way they are, it is painstakingly obvious that things were irritable for a while before I bothered to acknowledge the existence, and when I did, I hoped it would sort itself out. But I've come to the realisation that I will have to make a change, regardless of how much it hurts or uncomfortable it makes me. Otherwise it will fester away and spread, and I'll only suffer more in the long run. One of my favourite quotes says;
"Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die."ps. Catching up with Bee on Friday :) city date
Until next time fellow humans....
Monday, January 25, 2010
Unrest @ 1/25/2010 04:12:00 PM
So lately I've been thinking about my future and what my life has in store for me. The only thing that I know for sure is that I will be attending university for at least the next 3 years, and possibly 4 if I choose to do an honours year. I know that I will be attending The University of Western Sydney, doing a Bachelor of Communication. I know that I don't know anyone else who is doing that degree, and I know that I will be paying for it by hecs. And that's where my knowledge stops. I've had the lovely opportunity lately to catch up with many of my school buddies, and some of the conversations that have ensued have revolved around the issue of 'growing up', marriage and the future. As a younger teen and child I was always preoccupied with the idea of marriage and children, and they are still hopefully on my list for the future, but they no longer control my every action and decision. After hearing friends stating that they want to get married in their early twenties with kids following soon after, I fully realised how much I don't want that. Now I know that I could meet the man of my dreams tomorrow and want to get married in several years time, but I don't really see that happening. I don't like the idea of living my life in anticipation for that one male to sweep me off my feet and change my world. I like my independence, I like not having to answer to anyone or worry about anniversaries and the like. I like the fact that I am able to travel and and actually plan and act on such escapades without worrying about an impending wedding or mortgage.
Holiday and travel plans excite me far more than getting married as quickly as possible in typical Christian fashion. And if my friends choose to follow that path, that's their choice, but I would appreciate it if it wasn't shoved down my throat. Just because I'm choosing to wait and experience life, just because I want to discover who I am as an individual without someone attached to my arm, just because I want to go crazy and refuse to settle for complacency doesn't mean that I'm going to spend the rest of my life alone or place a lesser value on the importance of love.
This blog seems to have shifted focus significantly, so apologies if I lost you.
Until next time fellow humans....
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Nostalgic @ 1/24/2010 12:52:00 PM
Good afternoon :)
There has been a rather annoying thought plaguing me lately, brought on by Grace's party (the lead-up to it) and the fact that school resumes this week for those still attending. I really wish that I hadn't taken for granted my relationships with others while I was still at school. These relationships included those within my grade but also those in lower ones. With all of the stress and impending change of situation, I shifted my focus slightly away from actually building relationships and focused on the fact that my relationships would change. So I wish that I hadn't become so embroiled in my life and 'growing up', I wish that I had focused more on getting to know the incredible people who were already a part of my life.
As much as I hate to admit it, Facebook is fabulous in this capacity. I hate technological relationships in a sense, but it's also allowing me to get to know people better and develop a relationship. And for that I am eternally grateful. So I guess in a challenge of sorts, I beg you all profusely, not to take school or the relationships you foster there for granted.
On a slightly different note, Gracie looked beautiful at her party last night. It was such a honour to be part of her bridal party, everyone looked amazing. I loved catching up with some of the lovelies there, especially Dom =]. Though a downside of the night is how incredibly sore my feet are. haha
Until next time fellow humans....

Friday, January 22, 2010
Familiarity @ 1/22/2010 10:11:00 PM
Hey guys. So there's been a bit of a break since I've finished my entries about Queenstown. Simply because I haven't had much to say, especially because nothing tops Queenstown. But one thing that has been playing on my mind of late is the issue of old comforts and sparks. I find it rather inconvenient and frustrating when you see someone you perhaps once had feelings for but haven't seen in a good while, and then you see them again and all of a sudden things fit like an old glove. I'm not saying that the old feelings necessary come back, but there is definitely a comfort there, something that you can in a way rely on. I can liken it to a scene in one of my favourite tv shows,
Firefly. In this particular exchange, half of the cast are attending a party on a planet, whilst a married couple, Zoe and Wash, are on the ship. You see the couple just after they've finished 'making love' as they lay together in bed. The conversation goes;
Thought you wanted to spend time off-ship this visit.WASH-
Seems like out there it's all fancy parties. I like our party better. The dress code's easier and I know all the steps.So I hope this scene adequately shows you what I mean about this familiarity. I know it's a bit of an odd example haha.
So anyway, I'm working tomorrow morning for a few hours and then I have the lovely Grace's party. :)
Until next time fellow humans....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day 8 @ 1/20/2010 02:37:00 PM
Hey guys. So this is my last day in Queenstown. I was so upset about leaving, I was almost crying on the plane. And then when we arrived back in Sydney I was criticizing EVERYTHING about everything (I still am.) I was like "oh this is better in Queenstown" or "they don't have this in Queenstown".
Anyway, so after we checked out from our apartment we had brunch at the same restaurant that we ate at on the first night. Then we walked around and I took some final photos and a video(below). And then we went to the airport. At the airport we saw the South African cricket team (I noticed them first but thought they were a school group). I promise you here and now, I WILL live there one day.
Until next time fellow humans...

View from our living room

The airport
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day 7 @ 1/19/2010 08:22:00 PM
Hey dudes. This is a video of the last day in Queenstown. Today we parasailed over the lake! We were like 60m in the air, it was so amazing! We also did some shopping and I went to buy a Mad Dog singlet and ran into Jono. Then we went to the Kiwi and bird park, where I saw a real life Kiwi! And we listened to this hilarious guy give a talk. The weather was amazing as well. The day's events are described below. The second video is a short tour of the town.
Until next time fellow humans....

The view of the day. Beauty.

Me parasailing

At the Kiwi park
Monday, January 18, 2010
Day 6 @ 1/18/2010 07:27:00 PM
Evening all. So Monday in Queenstown was really not that exciting. The boys went for a 20km hike and mum had a migraine, so we took it slow. I went and saw Jono at Mad Dog with some chocolates to thank him for not leaving me by the side of the road. Then Yan and I played putt-putt. I went for a walk by myself around town later in the day, so that was fantabulous. I totally didn't care that it was raining or that I was in a foreign country. I had a blast exploring by myself. It really reaffirmed my great love of this place. That night we went to this AMAZING steak house for dinner. It was freaking brilliant! And that's about it. :) Hope you're all well.
Until next time fellow humans....

Yan at putt-putt

The Village Green I explored on my walk
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Day 5 @ 1/17/2010 08:14:00 PM
Hello my people. Well day 5 in Queenstown was rather enjoyable. We caught a steamboat, the TSS Earnslaw across the lake to Walter Peak where there is a sheep and cattle station. We saw sheep being herded and shorn and had a lovely barbecue lunch. And I got a photo with a sheep!!! It was a fun day and we saw magnificent scenery. I hope you're all well. Watch my vlog below. :)
Until next time fellow humans....

TSS Earnslaw

Walter Peak

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Day 4 @ 1/16/2010 11:31:00 PM
Evening all, Saturday in Queenstown was rather uneventful. We went to the AJ Hackett bungy at the Kawarau Bridge where we watched crazy people throw themselves off a bridge. Then we drove to Glenorchy and my brother spewed twice on the trip. We went to this quaint little cafe and had lunch and drove to look at the Dart River. That night my dad, Thomas and I went to Minus 5. Minus 5 is an ice bar, but apparently the temperature was -7.9. It was oodles of fun, I had some form of Vodka cruiser and ate my ice cup. The bar tender was English and so amazingly attractive. I also sat on one of the ice chairs which was double my size and the bar tender was laughing at me because I looked about 7 years younger. Then we went to Starbucks and warmed ourselves with Hot Chocolates. It was a pretty cool night. My video below also includes a tour of our apartment and a first hand look at our spectacular view. I hope you all enjoy looking at it as much as I did/do.
Until next time fellow humans....

The sign in the toilets at AJ Hackett

Traveling to Glenorchy
Friday, January 15, 2010
Day 3 @ 1/15/2010 04:55:00 PM
So day 3 in Queenstown was one of the more memorable days. This was the day where I fully reassessed my priorities in my life and where my life was headed. This was partly due to where I was, but also to the people I met and spoke to. Today my brother and I went River Boarding. My video below details the days exploits, but I understand that I am hard to understand. So basically, we went river boarding, but just before we started I got sick and wasn't able to do it. So I sat by the side of the road with one of the guides Jono for over an hour in freezing weather in a bikini and half a wetsuit. Then we caught a ride with another company, tried to hitchhike, floated down stream and caught a jet boat. It was pretty cool actually. Apart from the freezing temperature and sickness of course. It was a great experience, got to meet and talk to people from a range of countries (Australia, New Zealand, England and Germany).
Oh and we also caught up with Mel and went to Arrowtown where it hailed. =]
Until next time fellow humans....

My adventure buddy Jono
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Day 2 @ 1/14/2010 01:01:00 PM
Good afternoon all. Today my video diary below will attempt to discuss the events of my second day in Queenstown. This was the day where I truly woke up and realised just how breathtaking and marvelous this place is. The me in the below video will recap the days events, but I am fully aware how crappy the quality is, so I will do a short blurb here. Basically I awoke not knowing any of the plans for the day and was told to dress warmly. Then we had a fantastically fun filled day doing a jetboat ride on the Shotover River, shooting under cliff faces and narrowly missing rocks. We took a helicopter ride to the top of a mountain where we rode the skyline (ski lift) and raced down the mountain on the luge. Then we took the Gondala down the mountain. After lunch Mum and I went to a day spa where I indulged in a full body massage and a pedicure. Basically, a freaking amazing day.
Until next time fellow humans....

The Shotover Jet

The Skyline. Check out that amazing view.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Day 1 @ 1/13/2010 09:46:00 PM
So my munchkins, I have returned from my amazing week spent in Queenstown, New Zealand. And as much as I love all/most of you, I would much rather still be there. I spent the last several days desperately trying to convince my parents to either extend the trip, let me stay or turn a blind eye as I hid in the mountains(thanks for that suggestion Tracy). As a way of remembering my trip better, I made video diaries for each day (except the first and last because they were half days and nothing eventful happened). So for the next week, each day will be a recap of a day spent in Queenstown (or the surrounding towns). This trip has awakened inside of me several things, and these were awakened by people and places. Firstly, I adore the feeling of being free and exploring a new country. Going for afternoon walks on my own didn't phase me one bit. Secondly, how much more I enjoy it there than I ever have in Australia. I'm sorry, nothing against the people. It just felt, I can't explain it. Leaving today felt horrible. Plus, material wise, everything I could need is there. But I've realised that there is more to life than material things or finding that perfect man (members of the opposite sex can spend hours abandoned in the middle of no where without a romantic spark, trust me) or spending hours on the internet. Thirdly, I really have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life, but I do want to travel a hell of a lot before settling. I blame some of the boys for that realisation.
So basically, on the first day we woke up almost illegally early, and caught a direct flight. I was groggy and unresponsive for the majority of the first day due to lack of sleep and having taken a tablet as a precaution against travel sickness. But I do remember exploring the town and not truly appreciating its beauty until the next day, having a nap and getting an ugly pattern imprinted on my cheek from my bed and going to the most amazing restaurant where I had duck and whitebait for the first time.
And that's basically the first day. :)
Until next time fellow humans....

Eleanor does Queenstown

It is beautiful
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Dull @ 1/05/2010 11:47:00 AM
This post has nothing interesting to say except that I'm not going to be able to post for a week. So in the mean time, have a great week everyone. Don't smoke or take any illegal substances (that's aimed at you Ari....). And in case you haven't noticed, I'm running short on topics for my posts, so feel free to throw any ideas my way. Stay in school children, and watch
30 Rock on Monday next week, 11pm channel 7, you won't regret it! Oh and don't forget, Rob Mills is mine. So hands off, don't get any ideas...
Until next time fellow humans....

Rob Mills' haircut, he tweeted this photo on Sunday night. Doesn't he just look drool worthy in his Fiyero costume...
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I Hate/Dislike @ 1/03/2010 01:11:00 PM
In the spirit of yesterday's post, I thought I'd do a list of all the things I dislike (hate is too strong of a word). And again, things are in no particular order.
Twilight series
-Stephanie Meyer
-Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart
-Getting a bad ATAR
-Not seeing the people I love enough
-Not being able to sleep
-Early mornings
-One sided friendships
-Unrequited love
-That Abi's birthday isn't till April
-That I've only seen
Wicked 3 times
Rent is no longer on Broadway
-When people think they know you better than they do
-Tongue piercings on guys
-When people let one small issue own them and it becomes who they are
-People who think they are more mature then they are
-That Rob Mills has a girl friend
-Remakes of classic films
-People who make ignorant and insensitive comments about HIV/AIDS
-When people use 'gay' as a synonym for 'stupid'
-That Amanda Harrison is still sick
-That people are trying to replace Amanda
-Rude people
-When friends go back on their word
-People who pull out of things at the last minute
-People who complain about their results when they did 100x better than you did. GETTING IN THE 80s-90s IS NOT BAD YOU UNGRATEFUL PEOPLE. And I know they may say, "oh but the course I want has a really high ATAR, and I only got 90 but I need 94." Well suck it up and settle for lower and work your way up, that's what we're all going to have to do! (A big pet peeve of mine...)
-Unreliable public transport
-The epilogue of the
Harry Potter series
-Slow internet
-My room when it's messy but I can't be bothered to clean it
-Bad influences
-Miley Cyrus &
Hannah Montana-
The Jonas Brothers-Perez Hilton and his pathetic existence
-Chris Crocker
-That Natalie doesn't post videos often enough
-That Natalie hasn't made a lamingtons video yet
-That my LG PC Suite won't work
-Drunk photos on Facebook
-People who only follow trends
-People who don't like something once it becomes popular
-When people change once they graduate
-When people change for a guy/girl
-Slutty photos on Facebook
-Ignorance about social justice issues
-The dentist
-Oily skin and/or hair
-Having my period
-Having cramps
-Scientology and Tom Cruise
-When people lie
-When people lie badly
-When people bother to construct an intricate lie
-Global warming
Jurassic Park films
-Fast moving escalators
-Arguments over the internet
Until next time fellow humans....
Saturday, January 2, 2010
I love @ 1/02/2010 11:09:00 AM
Today I am making a list of things I love. (Things are added as I think of them, it's not in any order.)
-My creator (of course He's first)
-My parents
-My little brothers (little because they're younger than me)
-My extended family
Rent-My friends (as a collective group)
-My (old) school community
-Idina Menzel
-Eden Espinosa
-Rob Mills
-The fact that I've hugged Rob Mills
-Original Broadway Cast of
Rent-The film cast of
Rent-The final cast of
Rent-Maureen from
Rent-The Original Broadway Cast of
Wicked-The original LA cast of
Wicked-The Australian cast of
Wicked-Fiyero (where are you!)
Wuthering Heights-Hating
30 Rock-Tina Fey
-Keith Haring's statement artworks
The Babysitters Club-Arietta
-Roy Lichtenstein
Harry Potter-Being controversial
-My high school teachers
-Double Choc-Chip Frappes from Starbucks
-Bagels from Starbucks
Buffy the Vampire Slayer-David Boreanaz
-Boys with Irish accents
-My Pandora bracelet
-Shannon Noll
-Having fast internet
-The thought that HIV/AIDS may one day be eradicated
-My HSC results
-The fact that I've been accepted into University
-The fact that Abi beat Gracie Otto in Ext 2
-My tidy room
-Gregory Maguire
-Melissa Joy
-Shoshana Bean
The Girls of the Playboy Mansion-Holly, Bridget and Kendra
-Crystal, Karissa and Kristina
-Beanies & scarfs
-Lace, everything is prettier with lace
-Beads (for the above reason)
-My boyf
-Pretty heels (Note: Chunky & pointy shoes are NOT pretty)
-Stage door dashes (I've done 5 now, I plan on more)
-Amanda Harrison, my love for 5 years, I'm loyal
-Musical theatre
-Joss Whedon's creations
Wicked; The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West-Opera
-Films with Hugh Grant
-Not wearing much to bed
-Natalie Tran and her videos
-The Eastern Suburbs
-My Ext 2 short story
-Not having allergies (they've plagued me every single day of my life)
-My baby Frank Burns
-Lucy Durack as Glinda and as a person
-Nathan recognising Lisa McCune and Amanda Harrison, and for approaching Taryn Fiebig
-Walks in pretty places
-Jane Austen
-Singing in the shower
-Dancing in my underwear
-The fact that I've seen one of my favourite Broadway performers (Jennifer DiNoia) and met her
-My eyebrow piercing
-Nose piercings
-Rachel Anne
-Megan Hilty & Kristen Chenoweth
-Aaron Tveit
-Perving on hot boys with Abi
-Raspberry slushies
-Stephanie J Block
-Older, attractive men
-My gold, satin bed sheets
-Boys who DON'T have tongue piercings
-Post-it notes
-Peter Alexander jammies
-Checking Postsecret every week
-Harvey Milk
-Not having my period (it's gross, but true)
Little Women, Kate Hoolihan and Sutton Foster
-Being individual
-People NOT copying me
-My ex-husband from school
-Trying to figure out what I'll name my children
-My church family
-Not being anywhere near sand
-Jemma Rix and Penny McNamee
-Sitting at concerts
-Deciding that I'm going to do a student exchange during uni
-Early uni offers
-Changing uni preferences
-Making vlogs
The Sound of Music-
The Lion King-
We Will Rock You-
The Phantom of the Opera-
My Fair Lady-
Guys and Dolls-Anthony Warlow, Marina Prior & David Hobson
-My special date with Bee this year :)
That's all I can think of now. :)
Friday, January 1, 2010
Decade @ 1/01/2010 03:00:00 PM
Happy new decade my lovelies. Last night was certainly memorable, for good and bad reasons haha. But I definitely saw the year in with a bang. I'm never one to consume much alcohol, I don't really see the point. But last night I had a bit more than usual...let's just say, I won't be touching Vodka for quite some time. The celebrations at my house were followed by a slumber party in my room with Mel and Nathan where sleep was not achieved until the very early hours of the morning. I slept in my double bed, whilst Nathan and Mel shared a single mattress on my floor. I was the subject of much teasing, though admittedly I was a prime target. My dizziness and nausea, frequent toilet trips and unfortunate confessions made me a fantastic victim. We all slept until midday, and then indulged in an incredibly unhealthy and gorging breakfast of French Toast, Pancakes (choc-chip & normal) and bacon. I then shared with Nathan one of my girl crushes, Eden Espinosa, as I showed him many clips of her in
30 Rock is my new obsession, so I'm making my way through that, it succeeded it making me feel more human this afternoon. But the real winner was my incredibly oily, fatty, greasy and unhealthy gorge of Maccas for dinner. A real cure.
I hope you all had a fantastic day too. :) And let it be noted, the first piece of music I listened to in this decade was Idina Menzel, and the first video was Eden Espinosa.
Until next time fellow humans....