Thursday, December 31, 2009
Goodbye @ 12/31/2009 12:13:00 PM
So today marks a significant moment in my life I like to think. As this year ends, as does officially my high school education. I thought that I'd successfully overcome all of the emotions associated with this, but apparently I haven't. It's very unsettling to think that as 2010 enters and a new decade begins, as does my life as a university student and adult.
So these lyrics sum up perfectly my feelings on this subject;
I'm at the startin' line of the rest of my life
As ready as I've ever been.
Got the hunger and the stars in my eyes
The prize is mine to win.Last night my lovely friend Mel slept over and we watched
Rent: Filmed Live on Broadway, the title is rather self-explanatory as to what it is. I think it was a rather important film for me to watch as the year draws to a close.
Rent is very important to me. It has taught me to appreciate life and love, to love the seemingly unlovable and to live each moment as your last. It has also emphasised for me the importance of friendship and relationships in our lives.
So this mesh of lyrics explain the important things this wonderful musical has taught me;
Let's make a resolution,
Let's always stay friends.
Tho' we may have our disputes
This family tree's got deep roots.
Friendship is thicker than blood.-->
There's only us,
There's only this,
Forget regret or life is yours to miss.
No other road, no other way,
No day but today.-->
There's only now,
There's only here,
Give in to love
Or live in fear
No other path,
No other way,
No day but today.So next year holds for me;
-->A holiday in New Zealand
-->University (I'm yet to know which one)
-->Turning 19
-->A special date with Abigail
-->Various life adventures and new people to meet
Wicked again
Mary PoppinsHave a fantastic time tonight my loves, and I can't wait to do life with you next year as we journey into the new decade together.
Until next time fellow humans....
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
How time flies... @ 12/30/2009 11:45:00 AM
Yesterday I caught up with a very dear friend, most of you would know her as Miss Stewart, and I'm trying to get used calling her Katherine (right now I'm settling on Stewy). We had a great time catching up at Starbucks and discussing old things that we'd forgotten and telling each other things that we previously hadn't been able to when we were student/teacher. It was good spending time and talking on another level. In fact, time flew by so much that all of a sudden we realised that we'd been there for 4.5 hours.
I'd also like to do a shout-out to a few special people in my life.
Ari-My best friend and my love. Thank you for everything that you've been to me and done for me.
Jason-My ex-husband, oh how I miss you. I love bonding and talking to you. You're fantastic. :)
Abi-My boyf who I love so much. Thank you for always listening to me and giggling with me.
Mel-My beauty, I can't wait to catch up with you. I miss seeing you every day and discussing our lives.
Cathy-Our Vicar (haha oh I'm funny). You're an amazing person, thank you for all of your care, support and love.
Until next time fellow humans....
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Absence @ 12/29/2009 12:04:00 PM
I apologise for my lack of writing yesterday, though no one may have noticed. So, this is where I make a request to you. If you read/watch my blog, can you please comment below, because I would really like to be assured that I'm not just talking to myself everyday haha. Even if you read this and you don't have a blogger account, you're still able to comment.
Now, I'd like to address the issue of change and acceptance. It stems from a rather superficial area though haha. I know it's a tad embarrassing, but I enjoy watching
The Girls of the Playboy Mansion (or
The Girls Next Door if you live in the USA). Now I loved this show back in the original days of Holly, Bridget and Kendra. They were all really likable and seemed like genuinely nice human beings, plus they were down to earth. So it's slightly embarrassing to say that I was devastated when they left and Hef took up with three new girlfriends. I was not at all happy with his choice in Crystal, Kristina and Karissa. I automatically assumed that Crystal was a snobby bitch and that the twins were as dumb as a doorknob. But as I've spent more time watching the new season, I've actually found myself liking them. They're not the same, but likable just the same. So all I have to say now, is be willing to accept change and don't judge a book by it's cover.
Until next time fellow humans....
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Returned @ 12/27/2009 04:17:00 PM
I have returned from my away-ness. Apologies for my ramble and nonsense.
Abi this picture is for you...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas @ 12/22/2009 06:45:00 PM
Love Actually
Monday, December 21, 2009
Desperation @ 12/21/2009 11:19:00 PM
In the absence of anything even mildly interesting or witty to say, I'm going to list my favourite things.
TV Shows; 1)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer2)
Gilmore Girls4)
Will and Grace5)
The Addams Family Values3)
The Addams Family4)
The Mummy Returns5)
PS I Love YouNovels;1)
Wuthering Heights2)
Pride and Prejudice3)
Harry Potter series (can't quite choose)
Wicked; The Life and times of the Wicked Witch of the West5)
The Phantom of the OperaMusicals;1)
We Will Rock You4)
The Sound of MusicFemale Singer;1)
Idina Menzel2)
Taylor Swift3)
Kelly Clarkson4)
Eden Espinosa5)
Shoshana Bean6)
PinkMale Singer;1)
Anthony Warlow2)
Rob Mills3)
David Hobson4)
Elton JohnAnd that's all I can be bothered thinking of. Oh, and let it be noted, if my lists were to be calculated by a tally system, there would barely be a whole point separating
Wicked from
Until next time fellow humans....
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Spirit @ 12/20/2009 10:55:00 PM
So tonight because I'm full of the Christmas spirit, I'm going to rave on about a handful of the amazing people in my life (anonymously of course). So feel free to pick yourself, but you may not be suck it up.
-->I love you so incredibly much, I can't imagine you not in my life. You're one of the only people that I feel comfortable telling everything to, and I know you won't judge me. Even when you screw up, know that I have your back 100% girl. Best friends till the end, even when you're in hell....
-->You always make me smile, everything you do. You are so joy filled and such a lovingly selfless person. You're also the most talented person I know; you're beautiful, smart and so creative! I love calling you a friend. I love bragging when I see you on TV...
-->I love you to the moon and back. You always listen to my issues and even though you laugh at me, you give fantastic advice and still put up with me. I'm gonna be devastated if we ever lose contact. But I know we will be saps together forever.
-->You keep me sane and grounded, I don't know what I'd do without you. I can talk to you about stuff and you will always be real with me. Thank you for that.
-->You are kind and caring and beautiful. You make me laugh and you are so encouraging. I feel so comfortable around you. I love stalking you.
-->You're my best guy friend, I can talk to you about so much and you always listen and give advice. You know me better than most people and can practically read my mind. Thank you for not killing me in the car.
-->I hate that I'm not going to see you everyday. You're like my little sister and my love for you is beyond words. I miss you already.
-->You're pretty hilarious and I love spending time with you. You're great to talk to and you give fantastic advice. Thank you.
-->You're pretty cool, I love talking to you and spending time with you. You're great company and you always make me laugh. Plus you're pretty attractive...
-->You're kind of my sister, friend, mother and teacher wrapped into one. You know how I feel about you, I can't sufficiently give our relationship justice here.
-->You're a pretty cool guy. You make me laugh and you know me well. I like spending time with you and getting up to crazy stuff and breaking things. I'm kinda fond of you....I suppose...=P
-->My big sister. I miss seeing you like crazy. I love you.
-->You are possibly the funniest person I know.
-->Thank you for always being there for me and my family. You are seriously like an angel. I can never thank you enough.
Until next time fellow humans....
Friday, December 18, 2009
Catfight @ 12/18/2009 10:33:00 PM
This is the script from one of my favourite scenes in
There Is A House In The Background. The Edge OF The Yellow Brick Road Can Be Seen.
Glinda: "That's right, you just take that one road, the whole time." *Waves offstage*
"Oh, I hope they don't get lost. I'm so bad at giving directions." She sees the house, picks up flowers and lays them in front of the house.
"Oh, Nessa."Elphaba Appears.
Elphaba: "What a touching display of grief."Glinda: "I don't think we have anything further to say to one another."Elphaba: "I wanted something to remember her by, and all that is left were those shoes, and now that wretched little farm girl has walked off with them! So I'd appreciate some time, alone, to say goodbye to my sister."Glinda Backs Away As Elphaba Walks Toward The House.
Elphaba: "Nessa, please, please, please forgive me..."Glinda: "Elphie... you mustn't blame yourself. It's dreadful, it is, to have a house fall on you, but accidents will happen..."Elphaba: "You call this an accident?"Glinda: "Yes! Well, maybe not an accident..."Elphaba: "Well, what do you call it?"Glinda: "Well... a regime change. Caused by a bizarre and unexpected twister of fate."Elphaba: "You think cyclones just appear out of the blue?"Glinda: "I don't know, I never really..."Elphaba: "No, of course you never! You're too busy telling everyone how wonderful everything is!"Glinda: "I'm a public figure, now. People expect me to..."Elphaba: "Lie?"Glinda: "Be encouraging! And what exactly have you been doing besides riding around on that filthy, old thing?"Elphaba: "Well, we can't all come and go by bubble! Who's invention was that, the Wizard's? Of course, even if it wasn't I'm sure he'd still take credit for it..."Glinda: "Yes, well, a lot of us are taking things that don't belong to us, aren't we?"Elphaba: "Now wait just a clock tick! I know it may be difficult for that blissful, blonde brain of yours to comprehend that someone like him could actually choose someone like me! But it's happened... it's real. And you can wave that ridiculous wand all you want, you can't change it! He never belonged to you, he doesn't love you, and he never did! He loves me!"Glinda Slaps Her.
Elphaba: *Cackles*
"Feel better now?"Glinda: "Yes, I do."Elphaba: "Good, so do I."She Slaps Glinda. Glinda Then Twirls Her Wand Skillfully And Elphaba Arms Herself With Her Broom. They Charge At Each Other And Then Drop Their "Weapons" And Beat Each Other Senselessly. Glinda Takes Elphaba's Hat Off Her Head And Begins To Whack Her With It. The Guards Run In.
Guard: "Halt! In the name of the Wizard!"They Grab Elphaba.
Elphaba: "Stop! Let me go!"Glinda: "Let me go, I almost had her!"
Lucy Durack & Amanda Harrison doing the above scene...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
ATARs are crap & mean nothing @ 12/17/2009 03:28:00 PM
The title is self-explanatory.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Rejoice @ 12/16/2009 11:51:00 PM
So I kicked ass in the HSC. I was so incredibly happy with my results. My highest was 94% & lowest was 48%, except the 48% is a back-up so it doesn't count. So technically my lowest was 73%. =D I'm so proud of myself, I got 47/50 for my Ext 2 English Major Work!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D I couldn't be happier. So ATARs come out tomorrow, if I get 70 I'll be happy, though 84 would be lovely.
Today I journeyed to the beach for Nathan's birthday with the lovely Rikki and David. It was heaps of fun. We played in the sand, splashed in the water, ate lots and just enjoyed each others company. I also sat in a hole with an umbrella covering me. The sad part is that my legs are
INCREDIBLY burnt, and I really mean
INCREDIBLY. They hurt so much, it hurts to stand, sit and walk. I'm in a lot of pain. I was so buggered on the way back from
Palm Beach, partly cause I was up at 5.30am, but also just cause I was exhausted, so I napped in the passenger seat next to David, curled up in a ball with my head on the middle console.
Tomorrow I have a BBQ at school which is a fantastic way to catch up with students and teachers. I'd just like to congratulate my fabulous friends who did fantastically! I love you all! I received two really sweet emails/comments from teachers and one lovely voice mail message. I know amazing people. =D
Until next time fellow humans....

Check us amazing beach people out.
My guest star Nathan. Ps. This is yesterday's post. I'll do today's soon. =]
Monday, December 14, 2009
Confessions @ 12/14/2009 10:47:00 PM
So tonight I've decided to make a list of confessions, some are rather personal, just to give you an insight into what makes me tick. I'm blogging it because there's no way I can vlog about anything this serious haha.
1) I have an irrational but completely serious fear of the
Jurassic Park films. I have seen scores of horror and thriller films, yet these are the only ones that frighten the shite out of me. I cannot watch them. And I will not watch them with you, so don't bother asking.
2) I have a fan girl crush on Rob Mills. Even when people tell me he's gross or remind me that he slept with Paris Hilton, I honestly don't care one bit.
3) When I say I hate the
Twilight series and Edward Cullen, I'm not saying it to be controversial whilst secretly harboring a love of both. I honestly think that the
Twilight series is poorly written with a vocabulary of a 6 year old with obvious grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. It was also incredibly predictable and unoriginal. I also think it's awful because of how it glorifies abusive relationships, suicide and pedophilia. Edward Cullen is abusive and gives vampires a bad name, vampires do not sparkle you silly girls.
4) I love my friends, but there are some who I know I won't remain in contact with. That thought really upsets me, but it's inevitable.
5) I bottle things up too much. The last time I bottled everything up inside me, I ended up screaming at someone and telling them I hated them. It was especially bad because this person has been one of the constant sources of support and love in my life, and I'm fairly sure always will be. I guess it's true that you hurt the people who mean the most to you. I was and still am incredibly sorry. But they forgave me, which showed me how much they did care.
6) I think that getting drunk is not a sign of age or maturity, it's a sign of immaturity.
7) I love watching Nathan getting chased by giant purple hippos down Oxford Street. Actually, I just love giant purple hippos. Nathan is an added bonus. ;-)
8) I felt lost when I finished reading the 7th
Harry Potter novel. Partly because I was crying my eyes out (and spent the next few hours in that state), but also because it was over. Not only was Harry grown up, but so was I.
9) I'm not musical, I can't read music or play any instruments, and I can't sing even moderately well. But it is my dream to write a musical and have it on Broadway.
10) I talk to inanimate objects too much. I once tried to have an unsuccessful conversation with a rooster. I also talk to the three stuffed monkeys that live on my bed. At work on the weekend I started screaming at the espresso machine.
11) I pretend I don't care, but the truth is, I do, I really do. I ruined something that could've been great. I'm going to try and fix it, but I'm so scared. I just wish I knew how to start. I miss him so incredibly much.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sorry @ 12/13/2009 09:11:00 PM
This picture sums up all I have to say. Also, sorry Nathan....maybe I'll throw the dress out one day, but not today.
Until next time fellow humans....
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sean Needham @ 12/12/2009 11:12:00 PM
I'm not as stuffed up in this one, which is wonderful. =]

Sean Needham :)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Stuffed @ 12/11/2009 01:49:00 PM
I apologise for sounding so stupid, I blame my sickness.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Ick @ 12/10/2009 06:16:00 PM
I feel like shit. I know, that's a naughty word, but it's the only one that accurately describes how I feel. I woke up yesterday with a scratchy throat, that slowly got sorer as the day progressed. But I awoke this morning with my sore throat gone (thank you!), but with a completely blocked and stuffy nose, a dry bad dry cough, a dizzy head and every muscle and bone in my body aches beyond belief. I feel like I was twisted into 100 different knots overnight. So I'm pissed off because I can't afford to be sick. I'm meant to work tomorrow night and Saturday, and I better feel well enough! I've also had to cancel my coffee date with Stewy :-(.
Yesterday I went to my brother's school picnic where I got sunburnt. Bloody reflected rays on the concrete.....Then at night I had my last ever Presentation Night. This was a fantastic time, but also sucked because I had to farewell some of the most influential people in my life. Though, I did get to catch up with some lovelies and see some pretty cool people. ;-) I also had a D&M with Vie, I had a realisation that I hadn't updated her on some important news in my life. I was so happy that she was supportive. Because I'm really happy. =]
Until next time fellow humans....
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Rainbows @ 12/08/2009 06:18:00 PM
Good afternoon all. I am again being lazy by blogging, instead of my new passion of vlogging. Plus, I have watched a few youtube videos today, so I don't want to upload a video & make us one step closer to reaching our internet cap.
You also might have noticed that I've changed my layout, I am rather fond of it. =] I just wanted a change and the green never felt right to me. So I initiated a change.
Now, on the right side of the screen, you may notice a list of my favourite Elphabas. And by Elphaba, I mean the actresses who have played her in
Wicked all around the world. I am in the process of listening to and watching Elphabas from the USA, UK and Australia as I try to determine my favourite. I have a list of 33+, so it will take some time. Who knows, I may find one I love more than Idina Menzel. And yes, I know I'm weird and obsessed, but I have nothing better to do with my time.
Last night I attended my brother's Presentation Night, it was
incredibly hot in the hall. I literally had to peel myself off of my seat at the end. Though, the kindergarten kids were
adorable. It was very tempting to steal one.
Today consisted of sleeping until 12.30pm by complete accident, I really did not intend to sleep that long. So I did a lot of housework to help compensate, and I played with Frank Burns too.
Tomorrow I'm spending the day with my brother at his end of school picnic, then at night I have my last ever school Presentation Night. It's a very bittersweet feeling.
So last night I threw away my black dress and burnt the flowers (not physically). I understand that only one person will know what I mean by that, but I want the rest of you to know that I have initiated a change in my life. A change for the better. Part of me is happy to stay in the same spot in my life, to wait around. But the rest of me knows that I need to let go and move on.
"I'm at the startin' line of the rest of my life
As ready as I've ever been
Got the hunger and the stars in my eyes
The prize is mine to win"Until next time fellow humans....
Monday, December 7, 2009
Loser @ 12/07/2009 11:21:00 PM
So basically I'm too lazy today to be motivated to make a vlog, so I'm just going to write. I haven't vlogged/blogged since Saturday because we reached our internet cap, but I actually don't have that much to contribute. Sunday morning I was up with the sun at Bilgola beach where Tom does Life Saving. As much as I dislike the beach, it was freaking beautiful, and well.....the view was simply splendid. ;-) I also had brunch with the parents which was nice, then I enjoyed an incredibly lazy afternoon.
Today was rather depressing, last week my tooth decided to crumble and break in half. So today I went to the Dentist for the first time in 6 years (bad, I know). So the dentist drilled my tooth for what felt like hours and then she put an intense filling in there. Now I have to have a full check-up complete with x-rays and a full examination. She seemed like a lovely person and she did my mouth a favour, but I really don't like dentists. Now this got me thinking, why is it that some people (me included) tend to like those who we really shouldn't, and not appreciate those who deserve it? The amount of times I've fallen for the "wrong" guy or befriended someone who was only interested in their own self gain is thankfully not astronomical, but it has still occurred. And why is it sometimes when you least expect it, people surprise you in one way or another? Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way or sometimes in simply a surprising way. And sometimes feelings get brought up that you never considered or expected. And sometimes, feelings from the past are still present even after a long period of time, no matter how much you despise them or wish time had healed all.
This post has gone off on a slight tangent, so I do apologise for that. So this is where I make my exit.
Until next time fellow humans.... This is beautiful.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Hot Pink @ 12/05/2009 04:56:00 PM
I'm sorry my life is dull. Though I would like to state that I think Victor Garber is attractive, and yes I know he is 60. Maybe I just like older, bald men.....

Thank you photobucket
Friday, December 4, 2009
Partay @ 12/04/2009 11:24:00 PM
I promise it's not as long as normal. =]
Love you Mel.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Apologies @ 12/03/2009 09:17:00 PM
I'm sorry. I crap on a lot.

Lucy Durack =]
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Wicked @ 12/02/2009 10:16:00 PM

Rob Mills!

Jennifer DiNoia!