Monday, November 30, 2009
HIV/AIDS @ 11/30/2009 05:34:00 PM
Please watch this. But watch the below entry first.
I'm trying video blogging so let me know what you think. My apologies that it is so long, future entries won't be hopefully. And sometimes I talk too quickly, so again I apologise.

I think this postsecret is really sweet
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Drool @ 11/29/2009 10:21:00 PM
So you know when life is like
really good? Yeah, that's me currently. Life is extremely fantabulous, and yes I know that isn't a real word, but I don't care. I love getting to know good friends even better, and never having to see not-so-good friends again (haha I joke....or do I?)
You may be wondering what is making up my life at the moment, well I shall enlighten you. I am currently obsessed with these amazingly hilarious Youtube videos that I've subscribed to. The artist is Natalie and she's freaking awesome. Check her out;
I'm also pumped to see
Wicked again for the 3rd time on Tuesday. I'm especially excited because I'm seeing it with my very fantastic friend Cameron. Cameron has been my best friend for about 7 years and we are both
massive Wicked fans. We were fans before everyone and their dog began singing
Defying Gravity but still can't name the Original Broadway Cast. I'm so ecstatic to see Rob Mills again because as you all should be aware now, I have a massive fan-girl crush on him. I also love Lucy Durack and Jemma Rix, so hopefully I can finally meet Jemma at the stage door. And Lucy is a comic genius who I just want to run up and hug. Please check out the url I pasted above, Natalie is pure talent. =]
Until next time fellow humans....

My three favourite people; Lucy Durack, Amanda Harrison & ROB MILLS
Friday, November 27, 2009
Reality @ 11/27/2009 10:10:00 PM
So I'm back to reality. No more sleeping under the bright city lights & listening to the hum of traffic or the music of late night gatherings. No more late night food binges and night time treks to the pool conveniently located on the roof. Circular Quay is no longer across the road and neither is a book store open until midnight 7 days a week. I will have to wait awhile until I get to visit Taronga Zoo again, and the baby elephant will most likely be an adult. There is a positive note though, I get to see
Wicked again next week (3rd time).
I had a lovely time this week with Rach in the city. We ate amazing food, drank soooo much Lemon, Lime & Bitters, saw
Wicked, went to Taronga Zoo and shopped.
Wicked was even better the 2nd time. I was a bit apprehensive because we were seeing Jemma Rix perform as Elphaba, not Amanda Harrison. Now I feel traitorous saying this, because you see, I have been a huge Amanda Harrison fan for 5 years, but I liked Jemma better. Jemma has a much stronger voice, though Amanda's acting was more passionate. I'm sorry Amanda, I honestly love you and completely and faithfully adore you. Lucy Durack was her perfect, flawless self and Rob Mills was, well, completely perfect and entrancing.
The zoo was oodles of fun. Mel joined us for the day of sun, fun and many animals. There were enough tourists to make an entire new country, and lots of animals for food ;-).
Overall it was an amazing week. It reinforced my desire to move East for a number of reasons.
1) It's cooler in hot weather
2) It's closer to almost everything that matters
3) I feel safer there at night than I do in my own suburb
4) It's amazingly beautiful
5) I fit in
Until next time fellow humans....

This is me

This is me with Rach & melissa
Monday, November 23, 2009
World AIDS Day @ 11/23/2009 09:05:00 PM
This is to give you all a taste of World Aids Day on December 1st. Please donate. We need to find a cure and prevention for this awful disease.
Until next time fellow humans....
Sometimes I wish I was born in another era. I get so frustrated with today, with people and with society. Everyone is placid, no one wants to stand up or make a change. People have become all talk, nobody is willing to back their words with actions. I think the 60s were a cool decade, specifically 1969. What I would give to have been able to attend
Woodstock. Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Crosby Stills Nash and Young....the list goes on. People in the 60s and also 70s fought for what they believed in. Anti Vietnam protests and the race riots just to name a few. It was a boundless society where people actually cared what happened, they didn't just live for the moment.
The 80s are also pretty cool. Sure some of the music leaves a bit to be desired, but Meatloaf did the majority of his discography then, as well as in the 70s. The films in the 80s were classics for a reason. They were new and fresh, John Hughes started a revolution. Molly Ringwald, Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, Emilio Estevez, Anthony Michael Hall.....the list goes on. The Brat Pack were the bomb. Though the 80s were also negative, for example the AIDS epidemic was rife. President Ronald Reagan did nothing to help this, he was as useless as a freaking
Twilight novel. The only good thing that has come out of today I suppose is I'd like to think that people are more culturally aware. But I still know too many dimwits who make insensitive comments such as;
"Christians don't have abortions or drink alcohol or smoke or get tattoos/piercings or have AIDS". Those people need to climb out of the hole they're living in and stop thinking we actually think well of them. And yes, I'm talking to you.
And to the people who think we think they're cool for getting drunk and posting photos on Facebook or hooking up with randoms and feel the need to tell me, go fly a kite and tell someone who cares.
So I challenge you. Fight for what you believe in, and I mean really fight for it. Sleepless nights, tears, blood and setbacks are worth it. Giving up is NOT worth it. Challenge yourself, don't just step out of your comfort zone, LEAP out of your comfort zone. Be willing to not be popular. Stop trying to keep up with the latest fashion trends or your crush of the week. Be uncomfortable. Get into the mud, no one is meant to be clean all the time. Digging deeper is worth it. Be real. Don't hide behind a layer of makeup or your shy smile. Get into the world, meet new people, regardless of who they are. They might just surprise you. And lastly, use your voice. Let your opinions be known. My opinions; I hate how Rudd is treating the refugees, I think anyone who looks down on people with HIV/AIDS deserves to live in a hole, we can't let the child sex trade continue, poverty is not ok, neither is the death penalty, racism still exists, but it never was and never will be ok. And if you think these issues will be cured overnight, go fly a kite.
Until next time fellow humans....
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Love @ 11/22/2009 12:29:00 AM
I missed Abigail when she was away. I would like to dedicate this picture to her, and to someone else too....
Until next time fellow humans....
Friday, November 20, 2009
Video @ 11/20/2009 11:23:00 PM
I have nothing of interest to say tonight, as opposed to my other riveting entries (haha). So I'm posting a video. It is amazing, this guy is amazing. Yes, it is all the same guy. And it happens to be one of my favourite songs (the original by
Journey, not the
Glee version).
Until next time fellow humans....
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Affections @ 11/19/2009 11:45:00 PM
So my very best friend Ari is sleeping over tonight. We watched
The Boat That Rocked, ate
lots of popcorn and played with Frank Burns. As we speak I am educating her on good music, playing
Cafe World and
FishVille. Ari also just discovered the condom stash I have under my bed (I had them for a school art project last year and I'm a pack rat so here they stayed).
We plan on sleeping soon. =]
Until next time fellow humans....
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Pup @ 11/18/2009 10:56:00 PM
We bought a dog today. He's a pug/cavalier so he's a Pugalier. I named him Frank Burns, even though I really wanted to name him Sirius Black. He's only 9 weeks old, so he's a baby. And right now my baby won't sleep, he just keeps yapping in his bed. He scratched my chest to bits, as seen in the below photo.
I went to our church's cafe at Lalor Park today, it was good catching up with the people. =]
Tomorrow, Ari is sleeping over, so I'm very excited. She can meet my baby.
Until next time fellow humans....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Ouch @ 11/17/2009 10:38:00 PM
So I woke up at about 10ish this morning and sat around with Nathan for awhile. Then we got the brilliant idea to walk to McDonalds. Then on the walk back an unattractive guy was jogging shirtless and checked me out (ick =S).
I just have to complain about my ears. My second piercings are really sore & yuk. It's kind of weird and very uncomfortable. My eyebrow piercing is behaving well, it only hurts when I accidentally bump it.
Now, the highlight of my day is FINALLY watching
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. As far as fictional characters go, I would let Remus Lupin feed me chocolate any day....;-) I am also very appreciative of how well all of the male characters have aged. Seeing it again has inspired me to have a movie marathon and also to re-read all of the novels.
Until next time fellow humans....
Monday, November 16, 2009
Clean @ 11/16/2009 10:15:00 PM
The majority of today consisted of me cleaning and watching
NCIS. I'm not a fan of cleaning, but I do like dancing around with a mop whilst listening to music from
Wicked, Taylor Swift and Stephanie J Block. Plus, I do love
NCIS (especially Tony & McGee).
Nathan is sleeping over tonight, we watched a whole bunch of random TV shows, and ate the food Tom bought us home from work.
I'd just like to say right here, right now, that I would've loved to be part of
The Chaser's War on Everything. And I would date Andrew Hansen.
Until next time fellow humans....
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Farewell @ 11/15/2009 11:15:00 PM
As far as days go, today was rather uneventful. Though I did get to see my lovely friend Rikki, which was fantabulous. =]
But alas, the significant part of today was turning on
Rove at 9.30pm tonight and hearing him announce it is over. I have loved watching Rove for many, many years now, so I am rather devastated. But what can I do? Nothing. So I say farewell, thank you and best of luck for the future. :)
And I really have nothing else to add. Except I love my piercing, it's incredibly hard to resist the urge to play with it.
I also have to add that as much as they frustrate me, I am a big fan of the male species.
Until next time fellow humans....

I check postsecret every Sunday, and this was posted today. =]
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Hole @ 11/14/2009 11:13:00 PM
So today I got my right eyebrow pierced. I did not intend for it to happen today, I have wanted it done for ages, but I assumed it would happen sometime in the next few weeks. It all started Thursday night when Emily & Mel came over. Emily was telling me about her tongue piercing she got last week and I mentioned my piercing desire. Then today they both joined my family at a market in the Blue Mountains and on the way home we were discussing the piercings. Then all of a sudden Em says, "you should get it done now!" And my mum agreed and Mel said she'd take me. The piercer Scotty was really good. Very hygienic, and it didn't even hurt that much. It did hurt, not enough for me to make noise, though I was rather unhappy in my mind. Apparently it only bled a drop, though I didn't notice. I am very impressed with my new asset. =]
At the markets this morning, Em & I thoroughly enjoyed the young Firemen. I can definitely appreciate them. I also bought a new bag, ate fantastic food and got a section of my hair wrapped. =]
Until next time fellow humans....
Today I got my HSC subject rankings for school. To put it in plain and simple terms, I kicked ass. I knew that my Extension 1 English rank would be disappointing, so I wasn't shocked with that. But I am very proud with the rest of my ranks. The trials didn't screw me over as bad as I assumed.
I also worked tonight for the first time since the HSC exams began. It was only a short shift, which was a good way to get back into the groove. Can I just say, I immensely dislike customers who either;
A-Think they're better than me because I'm working and they're on their way out to get trashed and contract a STI
B-Grumpy and/or rude
JUST KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! But, attractive customers who are also nice and make me smile. Thank you to the customer with the earring. =]
Until next time fellow humans....

Thank you
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Life @ 11/12/2009 08:04:00 PM
So today I didn't get out of bed until 12.30pm, it was simply splendid. Today was very good actually, I got 3 new skirts, they're from India & are colourful wrap-around type ones. Very boho, so I'm in love. Speaking of love, I was watching this show today called
"Life with Derek", now I don't normally watch it and have no idea as to its premise, but the storyline struck me. This female character kept having romantic dreams about a male character, but in reality she couldn't stand him. But then she came to realise she actually did have feelings for him. It just got me thinking about things I suppose. I really have nothing else to say.
Until next time fellow humans....

Thank you Photobucket
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
End days @ 11/11/2009 11:43:00 PM
I did my final HSC exams today. I wore my uniform for the last time. Bought lunch from the canteen the last time. Attended high school for the last time. It is exciting, and I am excited, don't get me wrong. But I'm gonna miss it so much it's not even funny. I'm stoked for Uni and the adventures for my life. But I'm emotional too. It means leaving friends who inspire me and challenge me to be the best I can be, and teachers who've been my mentors, who've seen me at my very worst and very best.
So to the significant people who have made up my schooling journey, I thank you. To my friends, the best ones and the new ones, thank you for your tolerance, laughter, support, love and fun times. To those special friends, I especially thank you.
To my teachers, thank you for your love, guidance, sacrifice and tears. To those who've put up with my craziness, tantrums and tears, I say a most sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart.
So on to the future and the rest of my life.
Until next time fellow humans....

Ready to graduate
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
To my ears @ 11/10/2009 11:28:00 AM
Now I've realised that it will be nearly impossible to top my last entry. How can you top Rob Mills I ask you? So I've decided to do some promotion for some other amazing Australian recording artists. Firstly,
Hayden Tee. He is a man of musical theatre genius, having starred in
Titanic the Musical and
Little Women. His voice makes me swoon.
David Hobson. What a man. His rendition of
Iris always gets me.
And thirdly,
Anthony Warlow. I see no need to justify this.
I would also like to tell you about three amazing American performers. Firstly,
Eden Espinosa. She played Elphaba in
Wicked on Broadway, and was the final Maureen in
Rent. Basically, she has one of the best voices in the entire universe.
Shoshana Bean. This woman also played Elphaba on Broadway, she took over from Idina Menzel and was before Eden. Her rendition of the song
Home is simply amazing. She is amazing.
Idina Menzel. The original Elphaba and Maureen. She is pure gold.
So this is enough promotion. If you listen to each of these 6 people, you will truly be amazed. My last two exams are tomorrow (eek), but hopefully I should be fine. I got my art body of work back yesterday. No one from our school made Art Express, which is annoying. But oh well.
Until next time fellow humans....

This is when I saw
Little Women with Emz & Mel.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Lust @ 11/09/2009 11:24:00 PM
I couldn't help but do another entry for today. It really has no other aim except to gush over Rob "Millsy" Mills. What a man. It is safe to say that he is the only celebrity type person that I can't help but gush over, the only male lately in fact. And I believe it is completely justified. A few weeks ago I saw
Wicked in Sydney for the first time, and of course Rob is playing Fiyero in it. And I have to say, he was completely fantastic and faultless. And then I met him afterward, and got a photo with him. AND got a hug! I just about almost fainted.
So no matter what you say. No matter how much you bad talk him, or say trash. I refuse to listen. Because he is simply amazing. That's all, enough of my girlish fantasies.
Until next time fellow humans....

I found this image on, I did not take it. But I love it all the same. =D
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome a fellow friend to the world of blogging, Melissa Waugh. Welcome my love. =D
So today I went to school to get my leavers form signed and to return things to a few different people. Every time I left whatever room I was in, the teacher would say something along the lines of, "hopefully I'll see you around" or "best of luck, come back and visit when you can." This got me feeling rather nostalgic and emotional. See, one little thing you should know about me is that I have always had a rather excellent relationship with my teachers. Some more than others of course, and several way more than others. As excited as I am for the future and University (eek =]), I don't like the idea of not knowing when I'm gonna see some of the biggest influences on my life. And also, as much as I love the people who were in my grade, some of them I know I will never see again. It just kinda sucks is all.
But that's enough of my emotional rant. On a happier note, I've FINALLY finished reading
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, and I've started
Anna Karenina, which is actually very good so far. And, only 2 more days till Facebook!
Until next time fellow humans....

My last ever English lesson. =D
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Tales of love @ 11/08/2009 04:51:00 PM
So I know this individual, a rather remarkable one. In the upcoming sentences I plan to explain satisfactorily why I love
Abigail Cruz. 1.
She is my boy friend-We have been "dating" for almost 6 years now and I have no doubt in my mind that she will never toy with my emotions or flirt pointlessly. She also tolerates my other loves.
She tolerates my idiosyncrasies-From my love of Rent & Wicked to my passion for HIV/AIDS to my penchant for singing Abba & The Phantom of the Opera.
She expands my vocabulary-Purloin....pfft. Frangibility? Please.....Miss Ext 2 English =P
We have a splendid time together-From free periods spent naming every Romantic novel we can think of, to coffee dates, to shopping & "study" trips, to city adventures.
She lets me go crazy in the city-From stalking the Bondi Vet, to constantly visiting Lindt, to Italian Restaurants in the Rocks, to perving on hot business men in suits.
She listens to my ramble about the opposite sex-Even the more embarrassing admissions involving secret crushes or the modeling of certain characters on certain men.
She's trustworthy-I can tell her anything, and even though she's constantly laughing at me, she always cares and never betrays my confidence.
She's a fellow nerd-We are both destined to end up at Uni in the city & have coffee dates where we discuss our latest boy news.
She's out there-She's so willing to put herself out there for those she loves, and she isn't afraid to let her feelings, emotions or passions to be known.
She's cultured-She follows fashion from Helsinki, lives in Sydney, eats Asian food, knows Japanese and French terminology. Yet she DOESN'T have Indian food in her house. I was sorely disappointed. =P
She's obsessed-She has odd and somewhat disturbing obsessions (depression, pedophiles, lesbians, insanity), which just make me feel more comfortable. haha
She's sappy-HAHA Of course we are both against disgusting displays of sap, but she is still real, loving and I've never had a reason to doubt her. Ever.
Myspace-I am her sole reason for still going on Myspace. Now try and tell me it isn't true love?!
So, Abigail Ann Cruz, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
Until next time fellow humans....

This would be our night of evening dress ups, as you can see she is fabulous eye candy.
So I realised that the title of my blog may puzzle those of you who don't have all of the scripts of Gilmore Girls memorised. So it's taken from a quote from one of my favourite episodes, where Rory graduates from highschool. She discusses the influence of those around her, and her love of reading.
She says;
"We never thought this day would come. We prayed for its quick delivery, crossed days off our calendars, counted hours, minutes and seconds and now that it's here, I'm sorry it is, because it means leaving friends who inspire me and teachers who've been my mentors, so many people who've shaped my life, and my fellow students lives impermeably and forever. I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina and strolled down Swann's Way. It's a rewarding world, but my second one is by far superior. My second one is populated with characters slightly less eccentric, but supremely real, made of flesh and bone, full of love, who are my ultimate inspiration for everything."This led me to rewrite my own version of this, inserting different words & phrases where appropriate;
"I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Baum's Emerald City, hunted Dracula with Van Helsing, flown across the western sky with Elphaba, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, bought flowers with Clarissa Dalloway, lived a sad life with Catherine Earnshaw and strolled through the Shire. It's a rewarding world, but my second one is by far superior. My second one is populated with characters slightly less eccentric, but supremely real, made of flesh and bone, full of love, who are my ultimate inspiration for everything."So, I guess you could say that my title comes from the influence of significant people in my life. Certain family members, friends, teachers, church family and others.
Until next time fellow humans....

A giant cube I once studied in...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Wonderings @ 11/07/2009 10:00:00 PM
So I used to keep a blog YEARS ago. It was full of musings of nothingness, it died and I assume it was deleted from lack of use. But as I saw that my lovely Abigail is keeping one, I felt motivated, especially since school is done & dusted.
I just have to comment on the assumed success of my interview for Uni yesterday. I just hope my feelings of confidence are well worth it. Now is the eternal wait until the 21st of December, then the 20th of January.
So what will keep me motivated and sane until then I hear you asking? Well, of course I still have 2 more HSC exams which will be over in 4 days! Then I shall return to facebook. I also have my schoolies type trip to the city with Rachel, where we shall eat amazing food, visit the zoo & see Wicked for a second time (her first). Then I shall see Wicked for a third time with two of my lovely friends Cameron & Ari. And of course, lots of time reading. =D
Until next time fellow humans....

In honour of Abigail, my inspiration